I separate this other error in a separate thread.
The other question is that if I send a message to a list, the member receive it, but the message is NOT archived.
I see that a file appears in qfiles/shunt/
Have you run Mailman's bin/check_perms?
yes I did. As a result of the first run, as instructed in manual, I did
cd /var/lib/mailman/archives/
chown wwwrun private
chmod o-x private
and re-run it again. (wwwrun is the suse user under which apache runs)
I see now that the default configuration of the list is archive=yes archive_private=public.
I see there are directories archive/private/listname, archive/private/listname.mbox and public/listname. The latter is a softlink to private. Is this normal ?
All of them are setgid directories owned by wwwrun.mailman except for those of list mailman which are owned by root.mailman, but I guess such list is special, and will have no traffic to be archived.
As a result of posting the first message to the list, a file listname.mbox is created in archive/private/listname.mbox (why private ?) and it contain the messages. But the index.html is not updated. A message is shunted, and the attached errors are generated.