On 05 November 2001, Josh Lothian said:
Quick question: I've looked through most of the options available to a list admin, and I can't find one to disable the monthly password reminders.
In the "General Options" page is an option "Send monthly password reminders or no?". Just turn it off.
I know this sounds like a bad idea, but we have a secretary who maintains quite a few mailing lists for out department, and we'd like to switch her over to mailman. However, we probably don't want students to be able to unsubscribe themselves from certain of our announcement-type mailing lists.
Those pesky students can still get their password any time they like by visiting the listinfo page. So stupid students won't be able to unsubscribe, but those with a clue will.
-- Greg Ward - software developer gward@mems-exchange.org MEMS Exchange http://www.mems-exchange.org