Roger Favero said the following on 3/3/2006 8:57 AM:
thanks a lot for you answer. I downloaded the script and, after a few modification for customisation reason, it runs very well. But now I have a problem: I found out that my mailman post log is stop to the begin of february and I don't know why. The other log files (smtp, smtp-failure, ubscribe, vette, ......) are correctly updated to today. What could be happen? For sure I wrong somethig, but I can not understand what! :-(
Thanks a lot in advance for you kind answer.
Are you rotating your Mailman logs with newsyslog or some other log rotator? If so, you have to be sure that you issue a HUP to the master-qrunner process.. for Newsyslog I do something like this (it's a single line entry in newsyslog.conf):
/usr/local/mailman/logs/mischief mailman:mailman 664 7 * @T000005 J /usr/local/mailman/data/master-qrunner.pid
Hope this helps!
Best, --Glenn
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759