May 27, 2022
1:22 p.m.
To start with, a belated thank you is in order for Mark Sapiro –I leveraged your suggestion for batch changing list owners (in our case, changing list owner from owner “a” to owner “b” for 700 lists) from your post here:
https://answers.launchpad.net/mailman/+question/111591 😊
Our security department has asked me to canvas all of our lists (4,237!)—and if a list owner value is not defined they want me to disable the list.
- Can I combine the list_lists and list_owners commands to output both (hopefully linked) values as a .csv?
- Is there a script that any of you have leveraged to batch disable lists without a defined owner?
Thanks in advance for the assistance, I really appreciate this community as I don’t have much Linux Fu and the GNU resources and assistance have been invaluable!