Brad Knowles wrote:
What do you mean by "wedge"? Which process(es) is/are failing or getting "wedged"?
The processes dont seem to be failing. New list mail is delivered fine, but what's 'stuck' in the queue doesn't leave until a restart which effectively does a queue run.
For the mailing lists hosted on python.org (including the
mailman-users mailing list), we have not found it necessary to modify the default QRUNNERS values.
These were increased after some queues were getting more full than others. Changing these values did help, but I suspect it's fixed the symptoms rather than the problem.
I can't speak for any other Mailman site.
# Default queue stuff is shite. QRUNNER_LOCK_LIFETIME = hours(20) QRUNNER_PROCESS_LIFETIME = hours(2) QRUNNER_MAX_MESSAGES = 50000 DELIVERY_RETRY_WAIT=minutes(10) # Max recipients for each message SMTP_MAX_RCPTS = 150 # Max messages sent in each SMTP connection SMTP_MAX_SESSIONS_PER_CONNECTION = 25 ARCHIVE_TO_MBOX = 0
Again, for the mailing lists for python.org, we haven't found it
necessary to modify any of these values from their defaults set in Defaults.py.
I found this information from the faq on python.org. Our traffic pattern is very bursty. Lists are small, maybe 25 users per list, but when traffic comes in, it's alot at the same time (monitoring mails).
Most of my work in doing performance tuning for python.org has been
within the MTA, and I've tried to make as much of that information available in the FAQ Wizard -- search for "performance".
MTA has been tweaked to quite some degree.
-- George Barnett Reality Engineer
m: (+44) 797 457 1868 e: george@alink.co.za
There's only one way to have a happy marriage and as soon as I learn what it is I'll get married again. -- Clint Eastwood