Aug. 31, 1999
10:51 p.m.
i've got a stupid question.. how can I tell which version of the kernal I'm running....
I send a e-mail a while ago saying mailman was causing a huge load on my server. That's not correct. I found out that it was a problem in the 2.2.11 version of the linux kernel. I'm with 2.2.12 now and its ok.
Sorry for the mess.
-- riverrun.com.br / actech.com.br
Mailman-Users maillist - Mailman-Users@python.org http://www.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users
Frank Martini Voice: 713/621-1917 Cadence Development FAX: 713/621-1960 5075 Westheimer, Ste. 1266 eMail: fmartini@caddev.com Houston, Texas 77056 WWW: http://www.caddev.com/
Macintosh & Windows Client/Server Database Development