So all of a sudden my mailman ( version 2.1.9 ) quit working, returning mail posted to lists with the error
|/local/mailman/teamnet/mail/mailman post fot". Command output: Name "main::debugfile" used only once: possible typo at /local/majordomo/demime line 280. -p on unopened filehandle _PATH_LOG at /local/majordomo/demime line 176. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/local/mailman/teamnet/scripts/post", line 69, in ? main() File "/local/mailman/teamnet/scripts/post", line 64, in main tolist=1, _plaintext=1) File "/local/mailman/teamnet/Mailman/Queue/Switchboard.py", line 132, in enqueue fp = open(tmpfile, 'w') IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device: '/local/mailman/teamnet/qfiles/in/1201797128.5856061+c48d781397b95ac8800fb85d888303428baf86e1.pck.tmp'
But there IS space on the disk. Root and regular users can create new files just fine, but mailman can't. Any clue as to where to look for the culprit, and why it would just start happening?