Rick Harris wrote:
Thanks for your reply. I understand that ultimately it is a Yahoo problem and ultimately something that will never be cured. I was hoping since I only run one small list that there was a "magic" switch that I could flip that would get past Yahoo.
Rick Harris
Rick, the last time Yahoo did this was in December, and I spent a week trying to contact someone there with a pulse, tried getting added to their whitelist, filled in forms, read their automated responses, etc. After about two weeks, the deferrals went away. Until now. Even with my postfix configured for a "slow" Yahoo, as in the following, I still have 2600 Yahoo deferrals in my retry queue.
postfix/master.cf yahoo unix - - n - 1 smtp
postfix/main.cf yahoo_destination_recipient_limit = 5 # matches Yahoo's limit yahoo_destination_concurreny_limit = 2
postfix/transport yahoo.ca yahoo: yahoo.com yahoo: (with subsequent 'postmap transport')
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