On Tue, 2006-08-01 at 13:30 -0500, Brad Knowles wrote:
At 1:11 PM -0400 2006-08-01, Walt Dabell wrote:
To do so, I modified /usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py then did
$ python
import py_compile py_compile.compile('Hold.py')
You don't need to re-compile it. Python will reload and recompile on the fly, as necessary. You might want to stop and restart Mailman, however.
Ah HA! I thought it was easier that the way I was doing it...
Any helpful ideas please?
Have you seen anything in the logs? Maybe your edit messed up something else, and it's not obvious to you what happened?
Nothing in the logs...
I tried your suggestion, modifying the text in Hold.py and restarting Mailman. Still no messages making it to the "Tend to pending moderator requests"
I even changed it back and the moderator requests still aren't working. Sure saves a lot of work, but I'm wondering what's happening to the non-accepted email...
-- Walt Dabell - 302-831-1499 - walt@udel.edu Physics & Astronomy - University of Delaware