I have waited almost a year for AOL and Yahoo to admit that they messed up and to remove their DMARC policy. My AOL and Yahoo subscribers are pretty upset at me because I won’t let them post. A number now have two subscriptions, one for posting (from GMail) and another for receiving the messages.
So against my better judgement, I included this hack in Cleanse.py;
22c22 < from email.Utils import formataddr, parseaddr —
from email.Utils import formataddr
< # Added to deal with DMARC issuej
< name, addrs = parseaddr(msg.get('from'))
< addrs += '.invalid'
< del msg['from']
< msg['from'] = formataddr((name, addrs))
\ No newline at end of file
I found it in the discussion list.
I don’t get compile errors, but Cleanse.pyc is not being updated. I have stopped and restarted Mailman and I have also rebooted, but same non-action. I have not tried ‘compileall’ and am not eager to, either (permissions, where to invoke, etc). Any suggestions?
The host OS is Mac OS X Server 10.5.8 with Mailman 2.1.14