dear Mailman, I currently use your Mailman software at work , through my univesity system, and a fabulous system it is indeed. Do you have any equivalent software that would work on the web, but not using the linux operating system? Anything more user friendly for us computer morons?
======================================================== Sandra Maynard Training & Extension Officer Centre for Land Rehabilitation University of WA 35 Stirling H'Way , CRAWLEY , WA , 6009 Australia Ph : 08 9380 3827 International: + 61 8 9380 3827 Fax: 08 9380 1050 " : + 61 8 9380 1050
CRICOS Provider Code No: 00126G
Email to:<mailto:sandra.maynard@uwa.edu.au>
Check our web site for training courses:
Australasia Pacific Extension Network member "People successfully managing change" http://www.apen.org.au