Dear list members!
I know that it's not very polite to reply to my own email just to point out that it has not been answered. Please help, we still have the same problem!
What we did until now: I made a script to test whether a subscribed email is part of one of our domains and if it is to check whether it exists in the /etc/mail/virtusertable. This script runs by cron every 2 hours and unsubscribes the wrong email address.
This cannot be the solution.
- Michael Dosser <mic@t0.or.at> [010625 16:29]:
Problem description: Whenever a members email address is wrong, e.g. bla@.bla.org or whenever a local email adress has no mailbox qrunner tries to deliver x-times to all members, which it has reached until the wrong email address. It obviously stops when we delete the files in $MAILMANHOME/qfiles. But this cannot be the > solution since nobody is sitting there watching postmaster mails every second ;) Anyway: this is very annoying since lots of members unsubscribed after this has happened ... uhm, and: yes, we have bounce options activated on every list with the options: "5","3","5","disable and notify me". Secound uhm: yes, I searched the archive, but have not found anything similar.
Question: Is this a bug in mailman 2.03 or did i make some configuration errors?
If the latter is the case, I added the servers configuration below, hope that's not to much ...
DEFAULT_HOST_NAME = 'mailman.domain.bla' DEFAULT_URL = 'http://mailman.domain.bla/mailman/' MAILMAN_OWNER = 'mailman-owner@xxx.xxx' PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL = '/pipermail' PRIVATE_ARCHIVE_URL = '/mailman/private' MAX_SPAWNS = 100 SMTP_MAX_RCPTS = 100 DELIVERY_MODULE = 'Sendmail' SENDMAIL_CMD = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'
First looks up the virtusertable and maps then to aliases. All local users have a virtusertable entry and for every domain we have we put a @domain.bla error:nouser User unknown We have cyrus as the local delivery agent.
divert(-1) VERSIONID(
$Id: generic-bsd4.4.mc,v 8.11 2001/04/04 16:26:02 mic Exp $')dnl OSTYPE(bsd4.4)dnl DOMAIN(generic)dnl define(
confCW_FILE',-o /etc/mail/sendmail.cw')dnl define(
confPRIVACY_FLAGS',authwarnings,needmailhelo,noexpn,novrfy')dnl define(
confTO_CONNECT',1m')dnl define(
confTO_QUEUERETURN',4d')dnl define(
confTO_QUEUEWARN',4h')dnl define(
ALIAS_FILE',/etc/mail/aliases')dnl define(
CYRUS_MAILER_FLAGS',SA5@w|')dnl define(
confLOCAL_MAILER',cyrus')dnl define(
CYRUS_MAILER_PATH',/usr/local/cyrus/bin/deliver')dnl define(
'certs')dnl define(confCACERT_PATH',
/etc/mail/certs/netbase')dnl define(confCACERT',
CERT_DIR/netbase/CAcert.pem')dnl define(confSERVER_CERT',
CERT_DIR/netbase/cert.pem')dnl define(confSERVER_KEY',
CERT_DIR/netbase/key.pem')dnl define(confCLIENT_CERT',
CERT_DIR/netbase/cert.pem')dnl define(confCLIENT_KEY',
CERT_DIR/netbase/key.pem')dnl define(confRUN_AS_USER',
domaintable')dnl FEATURE(genericstable')dnl FEATURE(
mailertable')dnl FEATURE(redirect')dnl FEATURE(
use_cw_file')dnl FEATURE(access_db')dnl FEATURE(
blacklist_recipients')dnl FEATURE(virtusertable')dnl FEATURE(
dnsbl')dnl FEATURE(delay_checks')dnl FEATURE(
use_ct_file')dnl MAILER(local)dnl MAILER(smtp') MAILER(
cyrus') LOCAL_RULE_0 R$=N $: $#local $: $1 R$=N < @ $=w . > $: $#local $: $1 Rbb + $+ < @ $=w . > $#cyrusbb $: $1Any help would be appreciated!
Thx in advance,mic
-- Michael Dosser http://org.netbase.org
Mailman-Users maillist - Mailman-Users@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users
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