On May 9, 2005, at 04:47, Scot Hacker wrote:
Jim, this is cool to know, thanks. So is there a corresponding
option for unsubscribe confirmations? I tried it withm.unsubscribe_policy = 0
and withlist didn't complain, but unsub confirmations are still
sent out :( . I also tried setting ALLOW_OPEN_UNSUBSCRIBE in mm_cfg.py, but no luck.
There is an unsubscribe_policy variable for each list (set to the
value of DEFAULT_UNSUBSCRIBE_POLICY in your mm_cfg.py/Defaults.py),
but as the comments in Defaults.py explain it only controls whether
or not administrative approval is necessary to allow the
unsubscription to be honored.
There is no setting called ALLOW_OPEN_UNSUBSCRIBE.
If you send your member password when you send the unsubscribe
command, there should be no confirmation step.
unsubscribe mypasswd
(You could modify Mailman/Commands/cmd_unsubscribe.py if you wanted
to allow unverified unsubscriptions from your list by mail.)
-- Jim Tittsler http://www.OnJapan.net/ GPG: 0x01159DB6 Python Starship http://Starship.Python.net/crew/jwt/ Mailman IRC irc://irc.freenode.net/#mailman