On 2/27/20 10:18 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
Setting Maximum message size works in current Postorius. What version do you have?
I'm running 1.1.2; it's from the Ubuntu repo.
Actually, the issue is Mailman core, not Postorius. max_message_size was not exposed in REST before version 3.2.0.
Ahh I see.
I sure wish the distribution packagers would do a better job of keeping up with new releases. I'm an old-school UNIX guy, very much accustomed to building everything from source (under SunOS, Ultrix, etc) and I still maintain that these package management systems create more problems than they solve. ;)
I got motivated and tried setting that variable via the mailman shell, and it worked a treat. Thanks again for hitting me with the clue bat.
-- Dave McGuire, AK4HZ New Kensington, PA