Paul Reilly schrieb:
There is. General options, "emergency moderation of all list traffic".
Yes, but that implies an emergency situation. Having a default closed list isn't an emergency situation.
There's more than one way to do it ...
If you want a default closed list, you may set all new members to be moderated (1). If you already have a list and want it now moderated, you can set all existing and all new members to moderated (2). And/or you can use "emergency moderation" (3).
Overall I think Mailman is fantastic. I have been using it for years, but recently, it seems that the number of admin options for list admins is increasingly complex, and even simple tasks like closing a list are not obvious.
Hm. It was not a problem for me when I started to use Mailman some month ago ...
I am deploying Mailman in a non-technical environment, and I can't expect my list admins to know about python regular expressions etc.
Then don't let them use python regular expressions. :)
Also how do you turn off the "Create new List" via webpage ? Why should one want to do it?
Because in order for the MTA link up to work, I create my lists via the command line. If the feature doesn't work for me via the web, then I'd like the option of turning it off.
Sure. But it does not hurt, does it?