We are running internet mail thru the Notes SMTP MTA

"Show in-line MIME images as attachments" is not checked

Now I see that it works on another machine just fine. It must be a problem with this installation.


 Scott Russell <scottmrussell@comcast.net>
01/02/2003 03:53 PM

To: John_Minkle@huntalternatives.org
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Lotus Notes

On Thursday 02 January 2003 11:58 am, John_Minkle@huntalternatives.org wrote:
> All the messages I get from the mailman-users list have no body. I am
> using the Lotus Notes client accessing mail on a lotus notes server. I can
> only see the message body if I use Notes webmail. Any ideas?


Are you running your internet mail thru the Notes SMTP MTA or another? Does
the body show up as an attachment instead of being the body or is it missing
completely. (is File->Preferences->User Preferences...->Basics[Additional
Options] "Show in-line MIME images as attachments" shown as "checked".)

Scott Russell (master Javist)

