With the default Mailman cron being set as noon daily:
If, on a Wednesday (for example), List-1 is set with its digest as Daily -- its digest will be sent at noon that day (and every day).
And if List-2's digest is set as Weekly, its digest will be held and not sent until noon the next Monday (the first day of the week). The Daily digest of the List-1 will also get sent that Monday.
Have I understood correctly?
From: Mark Sapiro [mailto:mark@msapiro.net]
All list's digests will be sent daily at noon.
I think you are confused about what the digest_volume_frequency setting does. It has nothing to do with when digests are sent. It only controls how often the digest's volume number is incremented and issue number is reset.
Ahhh. Now I understand. Thank you very much for setting me straight on that, and for your patience.
Best, Mark