On Monday, January 29, 2007, at 04:18PM, "Mark Sapiro" <msapiro@value.net> wrote:
Basically, postfix delivers message to pctest@virt1.tld but nothing happens after that.
Presumably, that's because Postfix is delivering the mail to a local mailbox 'pctest' instead of piping it to Mailman's mail wrapper via the command "/usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman post pctest".
Yup. That is exactly what's happening (except that it's a virtual mailbox and not a local user account).
This is really a Postfix question, not a Mailman question
Yes and no. I'd say it's more of a clueless-pilot question, esp. since Postfix is doing exactly what it's told -- in this instance, deliver messages to pctest@virt1.tld. The problem here is mailman-specific, though I'm unsure whether the solution is in mailman configuration or some combo of postfix and mailman configs.
I've read and reread and reread the mailman docs, and I don't see where and how virtual addresses get piped to the command above. The file /usr/local/mailman/data/aliases has commands like the above; the file /usr/local/mailman/data/virtual-mailman does not.
For example, aliases has:
pctest: "|/usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman post pctest"
but virtual-mailman has:
pctest@virt1.tld pctest
I'm missing how to glue the two together, and this is NOT covered in the existing mailman docs.
Once I get this running I'd be glad to write up documentation and submit it for possible inclusion.
, but you
might find the post at <http://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/2007-January/055502.html> to be helpful.
Thanks. That post in turn links to an earlier howto which covers aliases but not virtual-mailman.
On Monday, January 29, 2007, at 05:47PM, "Paul Fox" <pgf@foxharp.boston.ma.us> wrote:
However, MM never distributes the mail to list subscribers. /var/log/maillog says each message is sent to pctest@virt1.tld; however, the only files in /usr/local/mailman/logs that change are smtp and subscribe (and then only when list members are added).
so it sounds like you have postfix aliases set up for "pctest-*", but not "pctest" itself? is that right?
Actually, the opposite. I'd set up a virtual mailbox for "pctest" but none of the rest of the pctest-* hierarchy. It's not covered in the docs, but from Mark's email I gather that I shouldn't need this step -- instead mail should be piped to the command Mark gave above.
Basically, postfix delivers message to pctest@virt1.tld but nothing happens after that.
i don't use mysql, but my epiphany was when i realized i needed two separate mappings to be in place to get postfix and mailman working together. you need the virtual domain map (which i believe you have) and you need the map that takes the result of the virtual domain map, and turns it into a "real" destination.
Right. That's really my question -- how is that done?