I'll answer my own previous question first: I don't think MailMan allows removing all members from the web, from what I can understand in mailman/Mailman/Cgi/admin.py.
My next question: how do I show all members from the web?!? It seems if there are more than a few members, MailMan decides to show only 1, and forces me to click on "A", etc., to view the rest. Surely there must be an easier way to get all members? I'm not looking for an email interface. I manage dozens of lists, and need to have a way of dumping out all members of each list in batch mode. I don't mind wading through HTML output from the web.
Wild Pete
How can I remove all members of a MailMan mailing list? I know about the remove_members and sync_members scripts, but I don't have admin permissions, I can only access MailMan via CPanel provided by my ISP. The interface is: http://mydomain/mailman/admin/mylist_mydomain/members/remove
Looks like I can give a list of addresses, which are passed through the "unsubscribees" variable. Is there some way I can remove all members, without having to give a long list?
Wild Pete