24 Jan
24 Jan
7 a.m.
Hello, I’m currently running a 10.6.8 Server installation with a couple of mailman 2.x mailing lists („Apple’s mailman“ + virtual domains). Works great :-)
since iOS9 and MacOS 10.11 were published some things are not working anymore via SSL (WebDAV etc) anymore. So I’m thinking about updating the box.
The current version of OS X Server 5 doesn’t ship with mailman anymore. Therefore I was thinking to upgrade mailman to v3. Did anybody upgrade mailman from v2 (apple) to version 3 in connection with an OS update? If so, how did it go and what’s best practice? (I did google before, but no results showed up - sorry, if that has been discussed before and I couldn’t find it)
thanks and cheers Matthias