Conrad G T Yoder writes:
Since we’re on the topic of items residing at bugs.launchpad.net, what are the odds of Bug #1067953 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/mailman/+bug/1067953) getting a little love? Not quite as easy a change as this one, but would benefit many I’m sure. Everyone subscribe!
Pretty good, now that you've posted this -- the Mailman developers are sprinting at Pycon as I write this, I believe, or maybe still at dinner since none of them are on IRC.
A few words to the wise, in the interest of DAO[1]. At least for me personally I would be slightly more likely to look, and very likely to look sooner, if you posted the title as well as the bug number.
In general, Mailman developers are mail-oriented (including Barry who last I heard was a Launchpad developer). I don't know if anybody who can do something about bugs actually pays attention to subscription counts. Can't hurt, but posting here (or on -developers if you actually want to participate in fixing by contributing code or code reviews) is likely the best way to be a "squeaky wheel". Please avoid "me too posts" unless nobody responds in a few days. At least Mark and I read *every post* to mailman-users.
Once discussion on a fix starts, it will typically move to -developers for the requirements and design discussion, then to the issue itself (this is formalized for developing Python itself, we're less informal but take our cue from Python).
Footnotes: [1] Developer Attention Optimization. :-)