Leonardo Rochael Almeida <lra@insite.com.br> writes:
Ol=E1 Godoy, I mean... Olá Godoy :-)
I've noticed the same thing on my lists here. The thing is, someone somewhere should be converting quoted-printable to 8-bit. Pipermail (mailman's builtin archiver) is not very elaborate so I think that expecting it to convert quoted-printable to html quoting (á and friends) is a little bit too much to ask. Maybe some sendmail (or your mailer) option to convert from quoted-printable to 8-bit should do the trick. I'm still hunting that option down, though...
Hi Leo, how are you? How's São Paulo? :-) Curitiba is too hot and it doesn't seem to be winter here... ;-)
Anyway, I'm using Postfix and not Sendmail. But I think that although I can change my mailer configuration it's Pipermail's job to do that conversion. There are lots of broken MTAs around.
There's another machine running qmail and ezmlm with MHonArc as it's archiver. As you can see here http://listas.conectiva.com.br/listas/linux-br/arquivo/2000/06/msg00691.html everything works fine and without any special configuration on MHonArc.
I was expecting it from MailMan.
Thanks! (And send Simone a kiss! ;-))
Godoy. <godoy@conectiva.com>
Departamento de Publicações Publishing Department Conectiva S.A.