At 9:09 AM +0200 2004/05/13, Hans Gubitz wrote:
He would send his confirming to <list>-request@gym-nippes.dnsalias.org, but not to <list>-request@lists.gym-nippes.dnsalias.org
What is setup wrong?
Note that lists.gym-nippes.dnsalias.org is a CNAME alias to
gym-nippes.dnsalias.org. This causes problems because the SMTP mail RFCs require that all CNAME aliases be replaced by the canonical names to which they point. Make lists.gym-nippes.dnsalias.org point directly to an IP address, and you should be fine.
-Mailman? -mail-server on bluecherweb, where mailman is running? -mail-server on our relay?
Your DNS.
-- Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles@skynet.be>
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.
SAGE member since 1995. See <http://www.sage.org/> for more info.