On 4/4/13 1:42 AM, jdd wrote:
Le 04/04/2013 03:58, Richard Damon a écrit :
It looks like this message was sent to the list via the email address all-april@ (which looks like a local address, since it doesn't have a domain),
as I said, I removed the domain part (on my report) to prevent spam
Missed that note, the normal procedure isn't to just delete the information but to replace it with a placeholder, the domain example.com being a good one.
this is generally not a good idea for a message that is going
to be distributed in the wild, as it will not be a valid email address for people to reply to. If you want to all that anyway, you need to add this address as a list alias.
list alias? aceptable aliases, I guess? I will do this according to what marc said.
Yes, acceptable list aliases, as entered in
Privacy Options / Recipient Filters / Alias names (regexps) which qualify as explicit to or cc destination names for this list.
This is designed to handle cases where the list has alternate names that people can use to submit mail to it. Some entry in this list MUST be found in either the To or CC fields of the message, or the Blind Carbon Copy filter will be triggered. <http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/admin/arlington/?VARHELP=privacy/recipient/a...>
I don't knox how to test :-(, I have to wait to next post (mponthly :-()
thanks jdd
-- Richard Damon