2010/11/15 Alan McConnell <alan@patriot.net>:
Assembled Wisdom!
I am big fan of mailman and admin three E-lists managed by mailman. These lists are hosted on remote computers.
I am now having the problem: I wish to back up the list of members of a couple of my lists to my home machine. I used to get all the members on one page. Now the members are alphabetized and each initial letter is put on a diffent page. I can still back-up, but it is a laborious process.
Is there a command to exhibit all members on one page? or, better yet, is there a command an administrator can invoke to have the members, if possible with their flags, shipped to my home computer?
TIA for anticipated help!
/usr/lib/mailman/bin/list_members <listname> you can also use "list_lists --bare" to enumerate the lists
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