Hi All-- Ah, thanks, Barry. I will try one of these methods, probably the withlist one, and report back later today. If all goes well, I'll be able to update two FAQ entries, the one about removing archive entries and the one about importing messages/archives into your mailing list.
Metta, Ivan
Barry Warsaw wrote:
Can you just turn off mailmanctl while you're editing the inbox? Okay, this will shut down your Mailman system globally, which you might not want to do, but it's as safe as it gets.
If you specifically want to block messages just to the list your editing, then yes, lock it with bin/withlist and just edit the mbox.
Another option is to restart mailmanctl but temporarily disable the ArchRunner. You should be safe to edit the mbox file then, and just delay updating all your archives (including the mbox archives) until you've finished your surgery, while the rest of the system continues to churn away.
-- Ivan Van Laningham God N Locomotive Works http://www.pauahtun.org/ http://www.python.org/workshops/1998-11/proceedings/papers/laningham/laningh... Army Signal Corps: Cu Chi, Class of '70 Author: Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours