Hi Wil... :)
I had the same problem running the Mandrake 7.x secure kernel; I had no idea until afterwards that the Openwall patches are apparently in that kernel. You'll either need the workaround patch from sourceforge or run the standard kernel.
-- Michael
On Thu, 26 Oct 2000, Dan Mick wrote:
That looks like the Openwall Security Patch issue; hard links are restricted in some way I don't remember. Check the list archives; Marc Merlin has an installation procedure that works around the problem, and has posted about it several times.
I'm trying to set up 2.0rc1, and I can't seem to get it working. There seems to be a problem with permissions. I've run check_perms and it only bitches about the docs/ directory, which I created (for HTML docs). I've found, however, that I get an error when I try to use the admin CGI, and it leaves a lockfile in locks/ that causes any subsequent attempts to hang. I've found I can make modifications through the admin CGI if I change the owner of lists/<listname>/config.db* to nobody (the user&group of Apache).