Jamie Penman-Smithson wrote:
On Mon, 2003-12-29 at 21:30, aryross wrote:
Hello In the mailman program, how do I back up my data? Is there a list of subscribers? RTFM http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py?req=show&file=faq04.006.htp
Or http://tertius.net.au/~rb/code/backupmailman/
which is just an automation of the previous, really, which packs it up and mails it to you.
There's some bug in the procmail fragment with it, though, it never catches what I want it to catch and I'm not sure why. Any hints/suggestions/patches/constructive criticism/etc. gratefully accepted!
Regards, Ricky
-- : Usual state: (e) None of the above. : rb@tertius.net.au http://tertius.net.au/~rb/ : Creativity suffers under close scrutiny - ours or someone : else's. We all need a space of our very own that is like the : soup pot - always simmering and getting better with age. What's : in your soup pot? -- Sark, 'Succulent Wild Woman'