Quoting Tom Limoncelli (tal@research.bell-labs.com):
Now the problem: I have 'Restrict posting privilege to list members?' set to "yes" yet I constantly get messages sent for manual approval even when the person is on the mailing list.
If there a process I should follow to diagnose this situation?
Look to see if they have a "Sender:" header. Netscrape Mail, and probably some other programs written by people with only a passing familiarity with RFCs, inserts an invalid "Sender:" header a lot of the time. Since this Sender disagrees with the address of the person on the list, mailman puts the message aside for manual approval.
It's a pain in the ass. If the person *is* using Netscape under Unix or Linux, tell them to exit Netscape, and put the following in $HOME/.netscape/preferences.js
user_pref("mail.suppress_sender_header", true);
-- Paul Tomblin <ptomblin@xcski.com>, not speaking for anybody Confidence is the feeling you have before you understand the situation.