On Fri, 2012-06-29 at 11:57 -0600, Terry Earley wrote:
We want to do all we can to protect our web reputation. We joined all the feedback loop services we could find. in addition to AOL, hotmail/msn and Yahoo, I found a list here and applied to others: http://www.emaillusions.com/2011/02/white-listing-and-isp-feedback-loops.htm...
I applied to Earthlink as directed, and when they did not respond, I sent a 2nd request, and got this reply:
<rant> This trend _really_ sucks! The Big Guys are breaking the Internet mail system by dividing it up into the "saved" and the "damned". How much longer will it be before we have to have state-issued licenses to operate mail servers on the Internet, or else more likely, have to pay exorbitant sums to these large corporations in order to be allowed to send mail to their users?
I'm already finding that I have increasing difficulty of all kinds delivering mail from the lists I host to various subscribers. Email either just plain doesn't make it, or it gets shunted off into a spam or junk folder for no other reason than that the recipient's mail server doesn't recognize the address.
This trend has already kicked in with regard to other services, such as the registration of domain names. Independent registrars now have to pay tens of thousands of dollars annually to operate as registrars. The survivors are either affiliated with big organizations such as CORE, or are the mega-bucks registrars such as GoDaddy.
It's no longer the kinder, gentler Internet I signed on to work with 15 years ago or so. Trust, real creativity and cooperation - values which made the Internet what it is today - are becoming increasingly hard to find at the small business level at which I operate. </rant>
Terry, I'll bet if you found the right person at Earthlink and greased the right palms with several hundred $$ you'd get whitelisted and subscribed to their feedback loop with no problem.
-- Lindsay Haisley | SUPPORT NETWORK NEUTRALITY FMP Computer Services | -------------------------- 512-259-1190 | Boycott Yahoo, RoadRunner, AOL http://www.fmp.com | and Verison