Michael Reeder -- Hygeia MS writes:
Is there possibly something somebody could consider spammy in your content, such as frequent or repeated announcements of new services or invitations to events? Do members ever report the list traffic being marked as (potential) spam? Are these discussion lists among the members, or is it all announcements from your side?
Few frequent or repeated announcements or event invitations (we don't allow paid event ads). I suppose the list headers and footers themselves could look too frequent.
I guess, but .signatures and legal disclaimers are very common. I would think that triggering on headers and footers would get Very Important Stuff from vendors and customers spam-trapped.
There is lots of ongoing discussion amongst members -- not an announcement list.
I would think that build up a list's credibility.
We are now requiring them to get non-AT&T addresses. A shame really.
That really is.
Mailman 3 and HyperKitty may be an option if we port away from Dream Host management of GNU Mailman where we don't have command line access. That said, Dream Host is responsive to concerns so I do not intend to throw them under the bus for having some restrictions.
A lot of people seem to like Dream Host. They eventually have to move to Mailman 3 unless they want to support both Mailman 2 and Python 2, though.
like Google Groups that I suspect is not given so much guff simply because they are Google.
I have to say that I learned to have a lot of respect for the senior technical staff at Google and Yahoo! during the DMARC and ARC design processes. They really did know what they were doing. I don't have an active Yahoo! account, but Google does quite a good job of trapping spam and tracking trends in spam. Yes, they're that big, but they're also good at what they do.
Anyway, let us know if we can help. I don't know anything about Dream Host's dashboard etc, but sometimes we can help with advice on settings that seem to work for our Mailman lists and for other admins who report their status occasionally.