Arthur -
I decided to play a bit and came up with this possible solution. Keep in mind I do not code python either. This is just what I could make out from the code. I did this against Mailman 1.2 from CVS but I susspect you can do the same:
- Backup the /home/mailman/Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py file
- Edit the file.
- Look for the section def GetMailmanFooter(self):
- Change it to look like: (beware of line wraps in this email!)
def GetMailmanFooter(self): owners_html = Container() owners_html.AddItem(Link('mailto:%s' % self.GetAdminEmail(), self.GetAdminEmail())) # Comment out existing code. SMR 02/24/00 # for i in range(len(self.owner)): # owner = self.owner[i] # owners_html.AddItem(Link('mailto:%s' % owner, owner)) # if i + 1 <> len(self.owner): # owners_html.AddItem(', ') # End comment
Sorry, no patch today. This is a hack to make each footer use 'test-admin@hostname.com' as the mailto. In Mailman 1.2 this is an alias setup in the /etc/aliases file. If you update from 1.x to 1.2 in the future you'll need to re-hack the HTMLFormatter.py file.
Try this with care and good luck.
-- Scott
On Thu, Feb 24, 2000 at 03:57:01PM -0500, Arthur J. Byrnes wrote:
I want to change our majordomo lists to Mailman, but there is one little issue that is still holding me up.
When your user looks at the listinfo page, at the bottom is the data generated by the <MM-Mailman-Footer>, which includes the email address of the list admin.
We have some lists where the admin needs to be anonymous, and this little thing keeps it from happening. (Right now well tell folks to send a message to owner-whateverlist to contact the owner.)
I would like to modify the footer to change the info to owner-whateverlist, or just remove the info. I don't know much Python yet, so I haven't been able to find where this <MM-Mailman-Footer> is created.
(This footer is not the footer included with the mail messages, it is the one for the html pages from the server.)
Could someone help me with how to change this?
Thank You,
=========================== Arthur J. Byrnes Unix System Administrator Center for Information Technology Stetson University, DeLand, Florida
Mailman-Users maillist - Mailman-Users@python.org http://www.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users
-- Regards, Scott Russell (scottrus@raleigh.ibm.com) Linux Technology Center, System Admin Red Hat Certified Engineer