RHEL2 doesn't like Python 2.3 out of the box...
Python 2.3 wants BerkeleyDB. BerkeleyDB wants jdkgcj
Anyone have an easy way to get Python 2.3 onto a RHEL2 system?
From: Dan Phillips <dhphllps@memphis.edu> Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 17:27:07 -0500 To: Hunter Hillegas <lists@lastonepicked.com> Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Bug Hit on User Signup?
On Sep 29, 2004, at 5:21 PM, Hunter Hillegas wrote:
So, reading the FAQ (should have done that first), it looks like it is a Python version problem. We are on 2.2.
I'm still doing my reading but I don't think there is a later version of Python for my system (RHEL2).
I was able to install Python 2.3 from source very easily on Mac OS X. Don't know about your system, though.
================================ Dan Phillips Associate Professor of Horn, University of Memphis site administrator: music.memphis.edu