[Cced back to the list]
On Mon, Aug 05, 2002 at 01:39:59PM -0400, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
It was inline, the last of the two messages was:
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 08:49:12 -0700 From: Marc MERLIN <marc at merlins.org> To: barry at wooz.org Subject: Re: Ooops CVS upgrade -> lists down Message-ID: <20020804154912.GE12671@merlins.org>
2002-08-04 08:49:15 17bNd4-0004pE-00 <= merlin at merlins.org H=saroumane.merlins.org (gandalf.merlins.org) []:43295 I=[]:25 P=asmtp X=TLSv1:DES-CBC3-SHA:168 A=fixed_plain:gandalf.merlins.org S=1789 id=20020804154912.GE12671@merlins.org T="Re: Ooops CVS upgrade -> lists down" from <merlin at merlins.org> for barry at wooz.org (contact me off list if you'd like more details)
Sure enough. I turned my head for a few seconds during the make install:
make[1]: Entering directory `/var/local/src/mailman-cvs/misc'
for p in email-2.2 JapaneseCodecs-1.4.7 KoreanCodecs-2.0.4;
gunzip -c $p.tar.gz | tar xf -;
(cd $p ; PYTHONPATH=/var/local/mailman/pythonlib /usr/bin/python setup.py --quiet install --install-lib /var/local/mailman/pythonlib --install-purelib /var/local/mailman/pythonlib --install-data /var/local/mailman/pythonlib);
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "setup.py", line 14, in ?
from distutils.core import setup
ImportError: No module named distutils.core
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "setup.py", line 5, in ?
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
ImportError: No module named distutils.core
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "setup.py", line 5, in ?
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
ImportError: No module named distutils.core
make[1]: *** [install-packages] Error 1
Mmmh, let's see: svlug:/var/local/src/mailman-cvs/misc/email-2.2# python setup.py install Traceback (most recent call last): File "setup.py", line 14, in ? from distutils.core import setup ImportError: No module named distutils.core
python -v reports: Python 2.2.1 (#1, Apr 21 2002, 08:38:44)
Ok, I found the problem, I had to install python2.2-dev on debian, that's where /usr/lib/python2.2/distutils/ comes from.
I still get:
(cd $p ; PYTHONPATH=/var/local/mailman/pythonlib /usr/bin/python setup.py --quiet install --install-lib /var/local/mailman/pythonlib --install-purelib /var/local/mailman/pythonlib --install-data /var/local/mailman/pythonlib);
File "/var/local/mailman/pythonlib/japanese/mappings/jis_x_0208.py", line 6234
SyntaxError: invalid token
but at least email-2.2 installs correctly and mailman is happy again.
Thanks, Marc
"A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want to type in" - A.S.R. Microsoft is to operating systems & security .... .... what McDonalds is to gourmet cooking Home page: http://marc.merlins.org/ | Finger marc_f@merlins.org for PGP key

"MM" == Marc MERLIN <marc_news@merlins.org> writes:
MM> It was inline, the last of the two messages was:
Weird. I even checked to make sure my mua wasn't hiding it from me. Oh well. I don't think I kept the messages. Friggin' gremlins. :)
MM> /var/local/mailman/pythonlib); \ done
Hmm, I wonder if the standard debian package has unicode enabled? It ought to, since that's the default.
MM> but at least email-2.2 installs correctly and mailman is happy
MM> again.
Cool. Phew! -Barry

On Mon, Aug 05, 2002 at 02:55:15PM -0400, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
Does this tell? svlug:/var/local/mailman/logs# python -v # /usr/lib/python2.2/site.pyc matches /usr/lib/python2.2/site.py import site # precompiled from /usr/lib/python2.2/site.pyc # /usr/lib/python2.2/os.pyc matches /usr/lib/python2.2/os.py import os # precompiled from /usr/lib/python2.2/os.pyc import posix # builtin # /usr/lib/python2.2/posixpath.pyc matches /usr/lib/python2.2/posixpath.py import posixpath # precompiled from /usr/lib/python2.2/posixpath.pyc # /usr/lib/python2.2/stat.pyc matches /usr/lib/python2.2/stat.py import stat # precompiled from /usr/lib/python2.2/stat.pyc # /usr/lib/python2.2/UserDict.pyc matches /usr/lib/python2.2/UserDict.py import UserDict # precompiled from /usr/lib/python2.2/UserDict.pyc # /usr/lib/python2.2/copy_reg.pyc matches /usr/lib/python2.2/copy_reg.py import copy_reg # precompiled from /usr/lib/python2.2/copy_reg.pyc # /usr/lib/python2.2/types.pyc matches /usr/lib/python2.2/types.py import types # precompiled from /usr/lib/python2.2/types.pyc # /usr/lib/python2.2/__future__.pyc matches /usr/lib/python2.2/__future__.py import __future__ # precompiled from /usr/lib/python2.2/__future__.pyc Python 2.2.1 (#1, May 3 2002, 23:19:03) [GCC 2.95.4 20011002 (Debian prerelease)] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. dlopen("/usr/lib/python2.2/lib-dynload/readline.so", 2); import readline # dynamically loaded from /usr/lib/python2.2/lib-dynload/readline.so
If not, let me know how I can find out for you, and I'll file a bug with debian if unicode is disabled
You may want to update the README.linux to say that debian users should make really sure that they have the python2.2-dev package install. This is otherwise going to bite other people I reckon...
"A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want to type in" - A.S.R. Microsoft is to operating systems & security .... .... what McDonalds is to gourmet cooking Home page: http://marc.merlins.org/ | Finger marc_f@merlins.org for PGP key

"MM" == Marc MERLIN <marc_news@merlins.org> writes:
MM> It was inline, the last of the two messages was:
Weird. I even checked to make sure my mua wasn't hiding it from me. Oh well. I don't think I kept the messages. Friggin' gremlins. :)
MM> /var/local/mailman/pythonlib); \ done
Hmm, I wonder if the standard debian package has unicode enabled? It ought to, since that's the default.
MM> but at least email-2.2 installs correctly and mailman is happy
MM> again.
Cool. Phew! -Barry

On Mon, Aug 05, 2002 at 02:55:15PM -0400, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
Does this tell? svlug:/var/local/mailman/logs# python -v # /usr/lib/python2.2/site.pyc matches /usr/lib/python2.2/site.py import site # precompiled from /usr/lib/python2.2/site.pyc # /usr/lib/python2.2/os.pyc matches /usr/lib/python2.2/os.py import os # precompiled from /usr/lib/python2.2/os.pyc import posix # builtin # /usr/lib/python2.2/posixpath.pyc matches /usr/lib/python2.2/posixpath.py import posixpath # precompiled from /usr/lib/python2.2/posixpath.pyc # /usr/lib/python2.2/stat.pyc matches /usr/lib/python2.2/stat.py import stat # precompiled from /usr/lib/python2.2/stat.pyc # /usr/lib/python2.2/UserDict.pyc matches /usr/lib/python2.2/UserDict.py import UserDict # precompiled from /usr/lib/python2.2/UserDict.pyc # /usr/lib/python2.2/copy_reg.pyc matches /usr/lib/python2.2/copy_reg.py import copy_reg # precompiled from /usr/lib/python2.2/copy_reg.pyc # /usr/lib/python2.2/types.pyc matches /usr/lib/python2.2/types.py import types # precompiled from /usr/lib/python2.2/types.pyc # /usr/lib/python2.2/__future__.pyc matches /usr/lib/python2.2/__future__.py import __future__ # precompiled from /usr/lib/python2.2/__future__.pyc Python 2.2.1 (#1, May 3 2002, 23:19:03) [GCC 2.95.4 20011002 (Debian prerelease)] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. dlopen("/usr/lib/python2.2/lib-dynload/readline.so", 2); import readline # dynamically loaded from /usr/lib/python2.2/lib-dynload/readline.so
If not, let me know how I can find out for you, and I'll file a bug with debian if unicode is disabled
You may want to update the README.linux to say that debian users should make really sure that they have the python2.2-dev package install. This is otherwise going to bite other people I reckon...
"A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want to type in" - A.S.R. Microsoft is to operating systems & security .... .... what McDonalds is to gourmet cooking Home page: http://marc.merlins.org/ | Finger marc_f@merlins.org for PGP key
participants (2)