bin/list_members -f <list>|grep -v -e "" > <list>
bin/sync_members -f <list> <list>
Tim wrote:
We have a subscriber address that has /t on the end of it ( which can only be seen when dumping the lists config file. The subscriber address looks normal when looking for it using any other method (list members, etc).
Do you mean '\t', i.e. a tab character? Is the difference between '\t'
and '/t' a typo here or does it have something to do with your lack of
If you try the '-f' option with list_members, you might actually see
the <tab> between '' and the terminating '>'.
I've tried to use reg exps using remove member with no luck
Do you mean bin/remove_members? It doesn't accept regexps, only literal
addresses, and it won't accept a '\t' escape - you'd need to give it
an actual tab character.
You could try
bin/remove_members listname '<tab>'
where <tab> represents an actual tab character
and tried using the method described in the FAQ (3.13. How do I remove a user name or email address with an illegal character in it?) with no luck either.
Try bin/withlist -l listname
and then at the '>>>' prompts type
adr = '\t' (this should be the actual address of course)
If that throws an exception, try
del m.members[adr]
Then in any case type
in order to save the changed list, and finally type control-D to a
prompt to end the interactive session.
Mark Sapiro <> The highway is for gamblers,
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