Bryan Carbonnell sent the message below at 11:29 2/28/2006:
OK, I still don't understand the real issue here nor exactly how this would be setup. It sounds like more time will be expended setting this up than it would take to actually add a bunch of people to the non-member accept list.
It takes me all of a minute to add somebody to that list and it is rare that I even get a request to do it. I can only see that becoming a real time issue on huge lists with lots of people who want to post from an alternate address. In my case, this is extremely unlikely to happen so I go with the simpler approach.
Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

On 2/28/06, Dragon <dragon@crimson-dragon.com> wrote:
It depends on who's time you consider more valuable. You the admin trying to take care of the lists, possibly the mailman install or even the actual server.
For me the issue is time. If someone wants to post from an alternate address, I have stock text that I copy & paste into an e-mail and hit send. I can post the text of the e-mail later this evening if you'd like. It details the steps the user has to take to subscribe themselves from a second address and then postpone it.
If I added them manually, then I would have to add them, change their address when it changes, and it does, and remove them when they no longer want to post from that address. I also then have to let the other admins know what is going on in case "I get hit by a truck".
Much easier to have the user do it themselves.
I also believe there would be a performance hit on the server (just an assumption nothing I've ever tested) because of having to check the non-member accept list, especially if it gets large. I don't know if the performace hit is even an issue, but it's something to consider.
I probably got about 3 or 4 requests a month when I first took over the admin of the lists, now it's down to 1 every few months, since most of the users now know how to do it themselves. I actually see unsubs and resubs from different addresses for the same user on a fairly regular basis, so I know that the requests would stay high for this kind of thing if I hadn't educated the users on how to do it themselves.
Granted the lists I administer are populated by extremely tech savy users (MS Access developers list is the main one) so that probably doesn't hurt.
Having said all that, your approach works well for you and mine works well for me. 2 different ways to accomplish the same goal.
-- Bryan Carbonnell - carbonnb@gmail.com Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "What a great ride!"

On 2/28/06, Dragon <dragon@crimson-dragon.com> wrote:
It depends on who's time you consider more valuable. You the admin trying to take care of the lists, possibly the mailman install or even the actual server.
For me the issue is time. If someone wants to post from an alternate address, I have stock text that I copy & paste into an e-mail and hit send. I can post the text of the e-mail later this evening if you'd like. It details the steps the user has to take to subscribe themselves from a second address and then postpone it.
If I added them manually, then I would have to add them, change their address when it changes, and it does, and remove them when they no longer want to post from that address. I also then have to let the other admins know what is going on in case "I get hit by a truck".
Much easier to have the user do it themselves.
I also believe there would be a performance hit on the server (just an assumption nothing I've ever tested) because of having to check the non-member accept list, especially if it gets large. I don't know if the performace hit is even an issue, but it's something to consider.
I probably got about 3 or 4 requests a month when I first took over the admin of the lists, now it's down to 1 every few months, since most of the users now know how to do it themselves. I actually see unsubs and resubs from different addresses for the same user on a fairly regular basis, so I know that the requests would stay high for this kind of thing if I hadn't educated the users on how to do it themselves.
Granted the lists I administer are populated by extremely tech savy users (MS Access developers list is the main one) so that probably doesn't hurt.
Having said all that, your approach works well for you and mine works well for me. 2 different ways to accomplish the same goal.
-- Bryan Carbonnell - carbonnb@gmail.com Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "What a great ride!"
participants (2)
Bryan Carbonnell