Rick -
Good question. I'm replacing the previous admin so honestly I'm not quite sure. The kicker is the admin I replaced didn't set it up either! He had yet another admin set it up. From the mailing list side, which is right this moment still majordomo, emails sent to 'archive@system.name.com' are automatically archived. This is for three different lists. Mhonarc takes care of sorting them out (based on the [listname] in subject) and sticking them into the correct web archive.
I'll ask for details on how my counter-part set it up and see what comes back. (Look for private email as I think this gets to be OT.) In the mean time if anyone else knows a quick answer to this...
Re the test, I found it realitivly easy. Then again I've been using RH since 4.0 and doing hardware / software problem deturmination at IBM for the last six years. I think it was 'easy' for me because of my previous exposure. I'll be retesting on 6.x when the 2.4 kernel is released and shipped. We'll see how that goes then.
-- Scott
On Thu, Feb 24, 2000 at 03:21:07PM -0600, Rick Niess wrote:
Hi Scott,
You're welcome. ;-)
On Thu, 24 Feb 2000, Scott Russell wrote:
In my conifg I use an email address to a second system that keeps the Monarch web archive of the lists. So any message sent to archiver@monarch.ibm.com will end up being added to the appropriate archive.
Now I have a favor to ask in return. I've been attempting to set up
Mhonarc the way it appears you already have, but without much success. Could you possibly tell me how you did it?
-- Regards, Scott Russell (scottrus@raleigh.ibm.com) Linux Technology Center, System Admin Red Hat Certified Engineer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Wow! I didn't expect to see these so soon. <g> How hard was the
~ Rick ~
-- .oooO "Man with closed Oooo. Rick C. Niess ( ) mouth gathers ( ) University of Southern Miss. \ ( no foot!" ) / resnet@usm.edu --\ )------------------(_/-------------------------------
-- Regards, Scott Russell (scottrus@raleigh.ibm.com) Linux Technology Center, System Admin Red Hat Certified Engineer

On 2/24/00 at 5:30 PM, scottrus@raleigh.ibm.com (Scott Russell) wrote:
From the mailing list side, which is right this moment still majordomo, emails sent to 'archive@system.name.com' are automatically archived. This is for three different lists. Mhonarc takes care of sorting them out (based on the [listname] in subject) and sticking them into the correct web archive.
Are you sure about this? To the best of my knowledge, MHonArc has no code to determine the appropriate archive for a given message, whether based on subjects or any other criteria -- you just give it input, and tell it explicitly where to put the output. I think your predecessor likely implemented a procmail solution or something else along those lines.
In my case, I subscribe lists to unique addresses under my domain name, and use procmail to deposit new mail based on the To field:
YEAR="`/bin/date +%Y`"
MONTH="`/bin/date +%m`"
* ^TOaddress-of-list
cron periodically calls a wrapper script that invokes MHonArc with the appropriate options (including the output location of the archive), based on the name-of-list in the mailbox's path.
I'll ask for details on how my counter-part set it up and see what comes back. (Look for private email as I think this gets to be OT.)
I'm new to this list, but I believe discussion of implementing alternative archivers for use with mailman is pretty germane. In my opinion, MHonArc is best of breed, though setup can be intimidating.

I'll ask for details on how my counter-part set it up and see what comes back. (Look for private email as I think this gets to be OT.)
I'm new to this list, but I believe discussion of implementing alternative archivers for use with mailman is pretty germane. In my opinion, MHonArc is best of breed, though setup can be intimidating.
I think I'm probably missing something in this thead, but nothing jumped right out at me about this.
Anyhow, just a reminder to everyone that MHonArc or any other external archiver (heck, even a script to pump things into an SQL database) can be called directly from Mailman. This eliminates the need for procmail recipes, extra accounts, etc.
In mm_cfg.py:
PUBLIC_EXTERNAL_ARCHIVER = '(/afs/ncsa/packages/mhonarc/SunOS_5.4/bin/mhonarc -add -nolock -afs -umask 023 -rcfile rc.%(listname)s -outdir /afs/ncsa/web/internal/htdocs/lists/%(listname)s)'
This is actually a simplified version of our setup; we append and prepend Kerberos ticket destroying and obtaining commands before that big one, but it should be about the same. But count this as a disclaimer against the functionality of the line above. :)

You are correct. Procmail is running on the server with Mhonarc. My faulty description.
-- Scott
On Thu, Feb 24, 2000 at 06:21:58PM -0500, Nathaniel Irons wrote:
On 2/24/00 at 5:30 PM, scottrus@raleigh.ibm.com (Scott Russell) wrote:
From the mailing list side, which is right this moment still majordomo, emails sent to 'archive@system.name.com' are automatically archived. This is for three different lists. Mhonarc takes care of sorting them out (based on the [listname] in subject) and sticking them into the correct web archive.
Are you sure about this? To the best of my knowledge, MHonArc has no code to determine the appropriate archive for a given message, whether based on subjects or any other criteria -- you just give it input, and tell it explicitly where to put the output. I think your predecessor likely implemented a procmail solution or something else along those lines.
In my case, I subscribe lists to unique addresses under my domain name, and use procmail to deposit new mail based on the To field:
ARCHIVEDEST="$HOME/archive/" YEAR="`/bin/date +%Y`" MONTH="`/bin/date +%m`" :0: * ^TOaddress-of-list $ARCHIVEDEST/name-of-list/$YEAR/$MONTH.mbox.new ...
cron periodically calls a wrapper script that invokes MHonArc with the appropriate options (including the output location of the archive), based on the name-of-list in the mailbox's path.
I'll ask for details on how my counter-part set it up and see what comes back. (Look for private email as I think this gets to be OT.)
I'm new to this list, but I believe discussion of implementing alternative archivers for use with mailman is pretty germane. In my opinion, MHonArc is best of breed, though setup can be intimidating.
Mailman-Users maillist - Mailman-Users@python.org http://www.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users
-- Regards, Scott Russell (scottrus@raleigh.ibm.com) Linux Technology Center, System Admin Red Hat Certified Engineer
participants (3)
Christopher P. Lindsey
Nathaniel Irons
Scott Russell