I'm trying to install mailman on a rebel.com netwinder (ARM processor, Linux 2.2.14, redhat-based). I installed Python 2.0 via an rpm I found on netwinder.org. seems to work okay.
# uname -a Linux imprint2 2.2.14-20000612 #1 Mon Jun 12 18:08:37 EDT 2000 armv4l unknown
# /usr/local/bin/python2.0 -V Python 2.0
I looked up the cgi user (in httpd.conf) and the mail user (in sendmail.cf)
# grep '^User ' /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf User httpd
# grep DefaultUser /etc/sendmail.cf O DefaultUser=8:12
# grep :8: /etc/passwd mail:x:8:12:mail:/var/spool/mail:
here's my problem: configure says I don't have a mailman user.
But I do:
# grep mailman /etc/passwd mailman:x:561:562::/home/mailman:/bin/bash
# grep mailman /etc/group mailman:x:562:mailman
what's going on? how do i fix this?
shad 96c / 4B CS / mac activist / eda / fumbler
fan of / jewel / sophie b. / sarah slean / steve poltz / emm gryner / / x-files / buffy / dawson's creek / habs / bills / 49ers / t h i n k d i f f e r e n t.
"Mulder, not everything is a labyrinth of dark conspiracy, and not everybody is plotting to deceive, inveigle, and obfuscate. ... Where are you going?" -- Dana Scully, "The X-Files"
"To find someone who I know plotted to deceive, inveigle, and obfuscate." -- Fox Mulder, "The X-Files"
participants (1)
Paul Schreiber