Totally lost Newbie needs a bit more help.

Thanks to those who responded to my plea. The suggestion was to do the install as root. It worked -- even though the instructions said not to do it as root. Go figure!
So I've gotten well down on the list. I have a rudimentry understanding of apache configuration, but certainly not expert.
I created the list "test" and received the email telling us to go to:
OK, so it doesn't work and I get a 404. Looking at some old messages from the list, I erase the previous changes to access.conf and add the following (not sure about the mailmanlog directory as it doesn't exist):
# stuff for mailman ScriptAlias /mailman/ /home/mailman/cgi-bin/ #Alias /mailmanlogo/ /home/mailman/logo/ Alias /pipermail/ /home/mailman/archives/public/ <Directory /home/mailman> allow from all Options FollowSymLinks </Directory>
So on a hunch, I edit the URL on my browser to read"
and sure enough I get the password page for the admin functions. But this is not what is reflected on the email I received. So it the apache config worng? Or is it something in the file? Seems as it's OK as long as I use the URL above, but the program things it is something else.
Thanks again! John Fisher TenantNet
The Tenant Network(tm) for Residential Tenants TenantNet(tm): email: NYtenants(tm) Discussion List: email to and in the body of the message put "subscribe nytenants". Information from TenantNet is from experienced non-attorney tenant activists and is not considered legal advice.

On Wed, Dec 29, 1999 at 12:48:03PM -0500, tenant wrote:
I created the list "test" and received the email telling us to go to:
OK, so it doesn't work and I get a 404.
you can change this url on the general admin web page for your list (in the "Base URL for Mailman" field, at the bottom of the page), set it to
participants (2)
ThiƩbaut Champenier