Ok, 1.0b6 is finally done. I needed some info from Barry, and he sent it this morning, then I wasn't around until a little while ago. I'm going to hold off about a day on a more widespread announcement, just to make sure you guys don't find any big show-stoppers that we missed.
You can get it off the home page (http://www.list.org), or at: ftp://list.org/pub/mailman/mailman-1.0b6.tar.gz
New in b6:
Archiving is (finally) back in.
Administrivia filter added.
Mail queue mechanism revamped with better concurrency control.
For recipients that have estmp MTAs, set delivery notification status so that only delivery failure notices are sent out, inhibiting 4 hour and N day warning notices.
Now expire old unconfirmed subscription requests, rather than keeping them forever.
Added proposed standard List-Id: header, and our own X-MailmanVersion header.
Prevent havoc from attempts to subscribe a list to itself. (!)
Refine mail command processing to prevent loops.
Pending subscription DB redone with better locking and cleaner interface.
posters functionality expanded.
Subcsription policy more flexible, sensible, and site-configurable.
Various and sundry bug fixes.
participants (1)
John Viega