I've just set up sendmail to handle virtual domains, all of which appears to be working well. My next project is to get some of my lists moved to different domains on the same server. From recent discussion here, it sounds like the cleanest setup would be to use a completely separate mailman installation for each domain.
If I set the install options (--prefix, --with-username, and --with-groupname) properly for each installation, it looks like this should be pretty simple to set up.
The only "gotcha" I've found is what to do with list archives. The INSTALL document (BTW, one of the best I've seen for any Linux application!) says to set a web server alias like so:
Alias /pipermail/ "/home/mailman/archives/public/"
If I look in that directory, there are subdirectories named for each of my current lists. One of the things I'd like to do is change my lists to more generic names like "announce" and "chat", which would mean lists with the same name under different domains.
Is it possible to set up multiple instances of pipermail as well? I can't find anything about this in the docs or online.
Also, are there any other obstacles I'm likely to encounter with a multiple-mailman setup?
Thanks, Dave Melton
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Dave Melton