Output from "cron" command

I just received a few hundred lines similar to this from my cron output:
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/copy.py", line 268, in _deepcopy_dict y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo) File "/usr/lib/python2.4/copy.py", line 174, in deepcopy y = copier(x, memo) File "/usr/lib/python2.4/copy.py", line 241, in _deepcopy_list y.append(deepcopy(a, memo)) File "/usr/lib/python2.4/copy.py", line 174, in deepcopy y = copier(x, memo) File "/usr/lib/python2.4/copy.py", line 305, in _deepcopy_inst state = deepcopy(state, memo)
version 2.1.9
any ideas
Con Wielnad Office of Information Technology University of California at Irvine

Con Wieland wrote:
Were there lines in the output like
Traceback (most recent call last):
If so, and if there is more than one, please post an entire traceback starting with a line like that and continuing to the line before the next one.
If not or if there is only one traceback, post the first 20 lines and the last 20 lines.
-- Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan

Mark Sapiro wrote:
I looked at this a bit, and copy.deepcopy is called only one place in Mailman and that is in the production of the MIME format digest, so I suspect the exception comes from cron/senddigests and that some list's digest.mbox contains a message with a MIME structure such that copy.deepcopy() gets into a loop trying to deepcopy the parsed message object.
Finding which list is somewhat tricky. If you don't have too many lists, you can look for which lists have lists/*/digest.mbox files, and run
cron/senddigests -l LISTNAME
manually, one list at a time until you find the problem list and then look at its digest.mbox for a malformed spam message.
-- Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan

Dear All,
I would like to send html-formatted e-mails to my customers through mailman mailing list. I would like to know of each recepients whether they've read my letter or not. If I use Delivery or read receipts, the recepient can decide he / she sends me the receipts or not. But I need this information in all cases.
Have you any ideas?
I would use an image tag for it, with an online source. The source would be a php webpage and variables (letter id, recepient id) would be given to that page by the letter (or Outlook, etc.) For example: <img src='http://exapmle.com/?u=%userid%&l=%letterid%' alt="" width="1" height="1"> When a user opens my letter, the php page would receive these variables and it would store the "opened" information in a database by the letter and recepient id.
I think this is a very good idea, but a very important thing is still needed: if I send an e-mail to my mailing list with a user and letter id, everyone in my mailing list would receive his / her mail with the same ids. So this solution isn't a per user solution (I only know that my letter was opened at least once).
Is there any solution to change the %userid% string to the recepient's e-mail address for each recepient's mail by mailman?
Thank you very much!
Best Regards,

First, do not hijack threads.
On Mon, 2012-04-16 at 14:02 +0200, Gulyás Krisztián wrote: [...]
Are you building lists of actually read email addresses? Guess what I'm thinking right now .....
Have you any ideas?
Generally, don't do it because just someone "opened" the mail, it doesn't imply that s/he read it. And reading it doesn't imply the s/he understands it. So what do you want to do with that information?
Some people (including me) do not read HTML-Mails (but only plain/text), also for that reason.
Kind regards, Bernd
Bernd Petrovitsch Email : bernd@petrovitsch.priv.at LUGA : http://www.luga.at

Bernd Petrovitsch wrote:
It would also fall foul of the UK government interpretation of the EU Privacy and Communications Directive, and probably of other EU nations legislation interpreting the directive. The main target of the directive is cookies, but other means are also covered.

On 4/16/2012 7:26 AM, Bernd Petrovitsch wrote:
Return-Receipt Requested:
is not standardized in its implementation. The return receipt might be sent
when the mail is placed in the recipient's mailbox, or
when the recipient opens the mail, or
the recipient's Mail User Agent might ignore the line.
Thus, there is no way to know for sure that the recipient has read the mail except, of course, to request that the recipient send a reply. --Barry Finkel

On 4/16/12 8:02 AM, Gulyás Krisztián wrote:
You will need to enable personalization for the list, which allows for each person to get their own personal copy of the message with some customizations allowed.
This may still not be enough, as what you are trying to do is exactly what some spam tries to do to verify email addresses, and many email programs will, at least by default, block this. Unless you have some "authority" over your recipients so that you can impose a penalty on them for not letting you know that they got the message, it will always be unreliable, and there will always be a significant number of people who have read the message without letting you know of it (unless you put the message in the image, or on a link, so the have to go to the net to see it).
-- Richard Damon

I'm trying to move mailman from OSX server to OSX client on a mac mini with OSX 10.6 installed on the machine.
I'm not a terminal expert, but can usually follow and figure things out, so I'm attempting to follow these instructions as closely as possible:
Obviously I'm not doing something correctly because stuff isn't giving me the correct response when I check to see what python processes are running.
I have some screen shots here:
if anyone sees anything obvious or has some thoughts I'd love to hear them!
Thanks W
PS I think there is a typo in step 8 of the instructions, but I've tried it as written and the two ways that I think it should be written. It says create "start_mailman.sh" and the next line is "vi mailman_start.sh", which may be correct if you know what you're doing, but to a novice like me it looks like one begins with start and the other begins with mailman...should it be as written or modified?
Wayne Cook wcook@mycoachonline.com http://www.mycoachonline.com/
I've flown faster than the speed of sound, stared down a shark while standing on the ocean floor and launched men into space. Care to join me tomorrow?

On Wed, 18 Apr 2012, Wayne Cook wrote:
I'm the author of that.
Unfortunately, that page appears to be broken. Firefox just displays the alternate text and IE gives a red X.
That is an error. It is start_mailman.sh.
But I am concerned that with three references in Step 8 to the file as start_mailman.sh and just the one as mailman_start.sh, you only THINK it's a typo. Even though it's Terminal and not a GUI, if you can't recognize that as an obvious typo, you might well be in over your head. Running server software requires an understanding of how things should be working to recognize when they're not working.
And also, I assume familiarity with a Terminal text editor. While I've given you the format of the Terminal command to edit the file in vi (and vi is not the only way to edit a text file, it's just the one I know and use), I have not given you all the needed vi commands to create the file. If you merely typed the lines I said need to be be in the file without any vi commands, you did not end up with the file you need.
-- Larry Stone lstone19@stonejongleux.com

Your article is a LIFESAVER Larry, and I can GUARENTEE YOU that I'm in over my head!
Hopefully with help I can muddle through this and learn something...the links to the screen shots should work now:
W :)
Wayne Cook wcook@mycoachonline.com http://www.mycoachonline.com/
I've flown faster than the speed of sound, stared down a shark while standing on the ocean floor and launched men into space. Care to join me tomorrow?
On Apr 18, 2012, at 11:09 AM, Larry Stone wrote:

On Wed, 18 Apr 2012, Wayne Cook wrote:
Screenshots of OS X windows aren't all that useful. They're just showing us that a file of the given name exists somewhere. It doesn't show us if it's exactly the right place or the contents.
For the first window, two problems: 1) file name - as discussed in the previous note it should be start_mailman.sh and 2) more importantly, I'm pretty sure it's in the wrong directory. We want that in /var/root (at least we do if the that's where we told it would be mailman.plist)
Please do the following in Terminal and send me the output including everything you typed and everything returned in response:
cd /var/root ls -l *mailman* cat *mailman*.sh cd /Library/LaunchDaemons cat mailman.plist
The start obviously failed but any output from it should be logged in /var/log/system.log. Try: grep -i mailman /var/log/system.log and include any output returned.
-- Larry Stone lstone19@stonejongleux.com

Con Wieland wrote:
Were there lines in the output like
Traceback (most recent call last):
If so, and if there is more than one, please post an entire traceback starting with a line like that and continuing to the line before the next one.
If not or if there is only one traceback, post the first 20 lines and the last 20 lines.
-- Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan

Mark Sapiro wrote:
I looked at this a bit, and copy.deepcopy is called only one place in Mailman and that is in the production of the MIME format digest, so I suspect the exception comes from cron/senddigests and that some list's digest.mbox contains a message with a MIME structure such that copy.deepcopy() gets into a loop trying to deepcopy the parsed message object.
Finding which list is somewhat tricky. If you don't have too many lists, you can look for which lists have lists/*/digest.mbox files, and run
cron/senddigests -l LISTNAME
manually, one list at a time until you find the problem list and then look at its digest.mbox for a malformed spam message.
-- Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan

Dear All,
I would like to send html-formatted e-mails to my customers through mailman mailing list. I would like to know of each recepients whether they've read my letter or not. If I use Delivery or read receipts, the recepient can decide he / she sends me the receipts or not. But I need this information in all cases.
Have you any ideas?
I would use an image tag for it, with an online source. The source would be a php webpage and variables (letter id, recepient id) would be given to that page by the letter (or Outlook, etc.) For example: <img src='http://exapmle.com/?u=%userid%&l=%letterid%' alt="" width="1" height="1"> When a user opens my letter, the php page would receive these variables and it would store the "opened" information in a database by the letter and recepient id.
I think this is a very good idea, but a very important thing is still needed: if I send an e-mail to my mailing list with a user and letter id, everyone in my mailing list would receive his / her mail with the same ids. So this solution isn't a per user solution (I only know that my letter was opened at least once).
Is there any solution to change the %userid% string to the recepient's e-mail address for each recepient's mail by mailman?
Thank you very much!
Best Regards,

First, do not hijack threads.
On Mon, 2012-04-16 at 14:02 +0200, Gulyás Krisztián wrote: [...]
Are you building lists of actually read email addresses? Guess what I'm thinking right now .....
Have you any ideas?
Generally, don't do it because just someone "opened" the mail, it doesn't imply that s/he read it. And reading it doesn't imply the s/he understands it. So what do you want to do with that information?
Some people (including me) do not read HTML-Mails (but only plain/text), also for that reason.
Kind regards, Bernd
Bernd Petrovitsch Email : bernd@petrovitsch.priv.at LUGA : http://www.luga.at

Bernd Petrovitsch wrote:
It would also fall foul of the UK government interpretation of the EU Privacy and Communications Directive, and probably of other EU nations legislation interpreting the directive. The main target of the directive is cookies, but other means are also covered.

On 4/16/2012 7:26 AM, Bernd Petrovitsch wrote:
Return-Receipt Requested:
is not standardized in its implementation. The return receipt might be sent
when the mail is placed in the recipient's mailbox, or
when the recipient opens the mail, or
the recipient's Mail User Agent might ignore the line.
Thus, there is no way to know for sure that the recipient has read the mail except, of course, to request that the recipient send a reply. --Barry Finkel

On 4/16/12 8:02 AM, Gulyás Krisztián wrote:
You will need to enable personalization for the list, which allows for each person to get their own personal copy of the message with some customizations allowed.
This may still not be enough, as what you are trying to do is exactly what some spam tries to do to verify email addresses, and many email programs will, at least by default, block this. Unless you have some "authority" over your recipients so that you can impose a penalty on them for not letting you know that they got the message, it will always be unreliable, and there will always be a significant number of people who have read the message without letting you know of it (unless you put the message in the image, or on a link, so the have to go to the net to see it).
-- Richard Damon

I'm trying to move mailman from OSX server to OSX client on a mac mini with OSX 10.6 installed on the machine.
I'm not a terminal expert, but can usually follow and figure things out, so I'm attempting to follow these instructions as closely as possible:
Obviously I'm not doing something correctly because stuff isn't giving me the correct response when I check to see what python processes are running.
I have some screen shots here:
if anyone sees anything obvious or has some thoughts I'd love to hear them!
Thanks W
PS I think there is a typo in step 8 of the instructions, but I've tried it as written and the two ways that I think it should be written. It says create "start_mailman.sh" and the next line is "vi mailman_start.sh", which may be correct if you know what you're doing, but to a novice like me it looks like one begins with start and the other begins with mailman...should it be as written or modified?
Wayne Cook wcook@mycoachonline.com http://www.mycoachonline.com/
I've flown faster than the speed of sound, stared down a shark while standing on the ocean floor and launched men into space. Care to join me tomorrow?

On Wed, 18 Apr 2012, Wayne Cook wrote:
I'm the author of that.
Unfortunately, that page appears to be broken. Firefox just displays the alternate text and IE gives a red X.
That is an error. It is start_mailman.sh.
But I am concerned that with three references in Step 8 to the file as start_mailman.sh and just the one as mailman_start.sh, you only THINK it's a typo. Even though it's Terminal and not a GUI, if you can't recognize that as an obvious typo, you might well be in over your head. Running server software requires an understanding of how things should be working to recognize when they're not working.
And also, I assume familiarity with a Terminal text editor. While I've given you the format of the Terminal command to edit the file in vi (and vi is not the only way to edit a text file, it's just the one I know and use), I have not given you all the needed vi commands to create the file. If you merely typed the lines I said need to be be in the file without any vi commands, you did not end up with the file you need.
-- Larry Stone lstone19@stonejongleux.com

Your article is a LIFESAVER Larry, and I can GUARENTEE YOU that I'm in over my head!
Hopefully with help I can muddle through this and learn something...the links to the screen shots should work now:
W :)
Wayne Cook wcook@mycoachonline.com http://www.mycoachonline.com/
I've flown faster than the speed of sound, stared down a shark while standing on the ocean floor and launched men into space. Care to join me tomorrow?
On Apr 18, 2012, at 11:09 AM, Larry Stone wrote:

On Wed, 18 Apr 2012, Wayne Cook wrote:
Screenshots of OS X windows aren't all that useful. They're just showing us that a file of the given name exists somewhere. It doesn't show us if it's exactly the right place or the contents.
For the first window, two problems: 1) file name - as discussed in the previous note it should be start_mailman.sh and 2) more importantly, I'm pretty sure it's in the wrong directory. We want that in /var/root (at least we do if the that's where we told it would be mailman.plist)
Please do the following in Terminal and send me the output including everything you typed and everything returned in response:
cd /var/root ls -l *mailman* cat *mailman*.sh cd /Library/LaunchDaemons cat mailman.plist
The start obviously failed but any output from it should be logged in /var/log/system.log. Try: grep -i mailman /var/log/system.log and include any output returned.
-- Larry Stone lstone19@stonejongleux.com
participants (9)
Anthony Frost
Barry S, Finkel
Bernd Petrovitsch
Con Wieland
Gulyás Krisztián
Larry Stone
Mark Sapiro
Richard Damon
Wayne Cook