a more uniform interface to private and public archives

for mailman-1.1, the installation documentation suggests to create, for example, an 'Alias' path for the web server to the mailman public archives and a 'ScriptAlias' cgi-bin path to the private archives.
what i'd like to suggest is that we make the interface more uniform by eliminating the 'Alias' path and access both private and public archives via a single cgi-bin interface. if the archive is private we require authentication, if not we simply bypass the authentication.
i've done this with my mailman installation by doing the following:
- created a new version of the MailMan/Cgi/private.py program
- in mm_cfg.py, set PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL = '/mailman/private' PRIVATE_ARCHIVE_URL = '/mailman/private'
- these could then be collapsed into one ARCHIVE_URL
- we could also replace PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_FILE_DIR = os.path.join(PREFIX, 'archives/public') PRIVATE_ARCHIVE_FILE_DIR = os.path.join(PREFIX, 'archives/private') with one ARCHIVE_FILE_DIR, and we could also get rid of the public and private subdirectories altogether.
in the new private.py i check listobj.archive_private and if it's set to 1 i do the usual private authentication as before. if it's not 1, i set is_auth to 1 and fall through. that's it. very clean and simple.
does anyone see any problems with this? i think it certainly makes things more clear and straightforward.
Todd Pfaff \ Email: pfaff@mcmaster.ca
Computing and Information Services \ Voice: (905) 525-9140 x22920
ABB 132 \ FAX: (905) 528-3773
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4M1 \

"TP" == Todd Pfaff <pfaff@edge.cis.mcmaster.ca> writes:
TP> what i'd like to suggest is that we make the interface more
TP> uniform by eliminating the 'Alias' path and access both
TP> private and public archives via a single cgi-bin interface.
TP> if the archive is private we require authentication, if not we
TP> simply bypass the authentication.
We specifically decided not to do this because we didn't want to take the performance hit for the more common situation of public archives. With the current arrangement, public archives are vended directly (and quickly) by the http server, while public archives are forced to go through the slower cgi for authentication purposes.
participants (2)
Barry A. Warsaw
Todd Pfaff