what I want is to configure an existing list that way, that only the staff can post to it, but not the subscribed students themselves.
Is this the way to do this:
Add the staff by "Privacy options" -> "sender filters" -> "Non-member filters"
Set all students in the "Membership Management" -> "Membership List" to moderated and set "discard" for "member_moderation_action" in the "Privacy options".
Thanks for any tips and hints!
Götz Reinicke
-- Götz Reinicke IT Koordinator - IT OfficeNet
Tel. +49 (0) 7141 - 969 420 Fax +49 (0) 7141 - 969 55 420 goetz.reinicke@filmakademie.de
Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg Mathildenstr. 20 71638 Ludwigsburg www.filmakademie.de

Hi, list,
I try to run make in messages of mailman2.1.21 src directory for big5. It outcomes an error:
[root@list messages]# make /usr/bin/python ../build/bin/msgfmt.py -o big5/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.mo big5/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.po Traceback (most recent call last): File "../build/bin/msgfmt.py", line 203, in ? main() File "../build/bin/msgfmt.py", line 199, in main make(filename, outfile) File "../build/bin/msgfmt.py", line 151, in make l = eval(l) File "<string>", line 1 "?????" ^ SyntaxError: invalid token make: [big5/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.mo] Error 1 (ignored)
what is wrong ?
[root@list LC_MESSAGES]# msgfmt -v -o mailman.mo mailman.po 183 translated messages, 365 fuzzy translations, 699 untranslated messages.
[root@list mailman]# bin/transcheck big5 HTML checking templates/big5/admindbpreamble.html...
- Too few %(detailsurl)s
- Too few %(summaryurl)s
- Too few %(description)s HTML checking templates/big5/admlogin.html...
- Too few %(who)s HTML checking templates/big5/handle_opts.html...
- Can'open original file templates/en/handle_opts.html HTML checking templates/big5/headfoot.html...
- %(attribute)s was not found HTML checking templates/big5/listinfo.html... HTML checking templates/big5/options.html...
- <MM-Unsub-Pw-Box> was not found
- <MM-Other-Subscriptions-Pw-Box> was not found
- <MM-Old-Pw-Box> was not found
- <MM-Digest-Pw-Box> was not found
- <MM-Digest-Submit> was not found
- Too few <MM-Form-End>
- Too few <MM-List-Name>
- Too few <MM-options-Submit-button>
- Too few <MM-Form-Start> HTML checking templates/big5/roster.html... HTML checking templates/big5/subscribe.html... TXT checking templates/big5/adminsubscribeack.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/adminunsubscribeack.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/approve.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/bounce.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/checkdbs.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/convert.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/cronpass.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/help.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/masthead.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/newlist.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/postack.txt...
- Too few %(optionsurl)s TXT checking templates/big5/postauth.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/postheld.txt...
- Too few %(confirmurl)s TXT checking templates/big5/refuse.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/subauth.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/subscribeack.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/userpass.txt...
- %(adminaddr)s was not found
- Too few %(fqdn_lname)s
- Too few %(owneraddr)s TXT checking templates/big5/verify.txt...
- Too much %(cookie)s
- Too few %(confirmurl)s PO checking messages/big5/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.po...
- near line 169 ['Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:1214']: %s was not found
- near line 169 ['Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:1214']: Too few %(seq)s
- near line 194 ['Mailman/Archiver/pipermail.py:419']: %s was not found
- near line 194 ['Mailman/Archiver/pipermail.py:419']: Too few %(archive)s
- near line 229 ['Mailman/Bouncer.py:184']: %s was not found
- near line 263 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:70', 'Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:89', 'Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:55', 'Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:67', 'Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:51', 'Mailman/Cgi/options.py:71', 'Mailman/Cgi/private.py:98', 'Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:64', 'Mailman/Cgi/roster.py:57', 'Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:61']: %s was not found
- near line 263 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:70', 'Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:89', 'Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:55', 'Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:67', 'Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:51', 'Mailman/Cgi/options.py:71', 'Mailman/Cgi/private.py:98', 'Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:64', 'Mailman/Cgi/roster.py:57', 'Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:61']: Too few %(safelistname)s
- near line 273 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:85', 'Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:105', 'Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:85', 'Mailman/Cgi/private.py:123']: %(creatorurl)s was not found
- near line 305 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:332']: %s was not found
- near line 305 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:332']: %s was not found
- near line 305 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:332']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 305 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:332']: Too few %(varname)s
- near line 310 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:339']: %s was not found
- near line 310 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:339']: Too few %(varname)s
- near line 329 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:368']: %s was not found
- near line 329 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:368']: Too few %(categoryname)s
- near line 338 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:384']: %s was not found
- near line 338 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:384']: %s was not found
- near line 338 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:384']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 338 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:384']: Too few %(label)s
- near line 369 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:417']: %s was not found
- near line 369 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:417']: %s was not found
- near line 388 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:479']: %s was not found
- near line 423 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:604']: %s was not found
- near line 423 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:604']: Too few %(record)s
- near line 680 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1050']: %s was not found
- near line 680 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1050']: %s was not found
- near line 680 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1050']: Too few %(start)s
- near line 680 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1050']: Too few %(end)s
- near line 693 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1065', 'Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:177']: %(adminurl)s was not found
- near line 784 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1357']: %(confirmurl)s was not found
- near line 902 ['Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:285']: %s was not found
- near line 902 ['Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:285']: %s was not found
- near line 902 ['Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:285']: Too few %(listname)s
- near line 937 ['Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:350']: %s was not found
- near line 1162 ['Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:739']: %s was not found
- near line 1225 ['Mailman/Cgi/create.py:68', 'Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:181']: %s was not found
- near line 1268 ['Mailman/Cgi/create.py:181', 'bin/newlist:166']: Too few %(s)s
- near line 1287 ['Mailman/Cgi/create.py:242']: %s was not found
- near line 1313 ['Mailman/Cgi/create.py:272']: %s was not found
- near line 1313 ['Mailman/Cgi/create.py:272']: Too few %(hostname)s
- near line 1400 ['Mailman/Cgi/create.py:401']: %s was not found
- near line 1429 ['Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:97']: %s was not found
- near line 1429 ['Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:97']: %s was not found
- near line 1429 ['Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:97']: Too few %(template_info)s
- near line 1429 ['Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:97']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 1438 ['Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:104']: %s was not found
- near line 1438 ['Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:104']: Too few %(safetemplatename)s
- near line 1443 ['Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:109', 'Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:110']: %s was not found
- near line 1443 ['Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:109', 'Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:110']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 1476 ['Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:73']: %s was not found
- near line 1476 ['Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:73']: Too few %(hostname)s
- near line 1483 ['Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:105']: Too few %(hostname)s
- near line 1483 ['Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:105']: Too few %(mailmanlink)s
- near line 1510 ['Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:118']: Too few %(adj)s
- near line 1549 ['Mailman/Cgi/options.py:110']: Too few %(safeuser)s
- near line 1555 ['Mailman/Cgi/options.py:117', 'Mailman/Cgi/options.py:166', 'Mailman/Cgi/options.py:188']: %s was not found
- near line 1555 ['Mailman/Cgi/options.py:117', 'Mailman/Cgi/options.py:166', 'Mailman/Cgi/options.py:188']: %s was not found
- near line 1555 ['Mailman/Cgi/options.py:117', 'Mailman/Cgi/options.py:166', 'Mailman/Cgi/options.py:188']: Too few %(safeuser)s
- near line 1570 ['Mailman/Cgi/options.py:211']: %(realname)s was not found
- near line 1570 ['Mailman/Cgi/options.py:211']: %(digmode)s was not found
- near line 1570 ['Mailman/Cgi/options.py:211']: %s was not found
- near line 1570 ['Mailman/Cgi/options.py:211']: %s was not found
- near line 1604 ['Mailman/Deliverer.py:86']: %s was not found
- near line 1604 ['Mailman/Deliverer.py:86']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 3008 ['Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:55']: %(admin)s was not found
- near line 3624 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:55']: %s was not found
- near line 3624 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:55']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 3633 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:59']: Too few %(hostname)s
- near line 3638 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:80']: %d was not found
- near line 3638 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:80']: %s was not found
- near line 3643 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:82']: %d was not found
- near line 3643 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:82']: %s was not found
- near line 3643 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:82']: Too few %(num_concealed)d
- near line 3667 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:148']: Too few %(reason)s
- near line 3706 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:178']: %s was not found
- near line 3706 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:178']: %s was not found
- near line 3706 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:178']: Too few %(addr)s
- near line 3706 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:178']: Too few %(type)s
- near line 3747 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:205']: %s was not found
- near line 3747 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:205']: Too few %(also)s
- near line 3754 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:208']: %s was not found
- near line 3754 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:208']: Too few %(also)s
- near line 3762 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:211']: %s was not found
- near line 3762 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:211']: %(realname)s was not found
- near line 3762 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:211']: %s was not found
- near line 3762 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:211']: Too few %(also)s
- near line 3840 ['Mailman/Handlers/ToDigest.py:280']: %s was not found
- near line 3840 ['Mailman/Handlers/ToDigest.py:280']: Too few %(msgcount)d
- near line 3859 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:315']: %s was not found
- near line 3859 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:315']: Too few %(subject)s
- near line 3869 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:413']: %s was not found
- near line 3869 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:413']: %s was not found
- near line 3869 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:413']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 3869 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:413']: Too few %(addr)s
- near line 3878 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:466']: %s was not found
- near line 3878 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:466']: %s was not found
- near line 3878 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:466']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 3878 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:466']: Too few %(addr)s
- near line 3892 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:523']: %s was not found
- near line 3892 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:523']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 3914 ['Mailman/MTA/Manual.py:80']: %s was not found
- near line 3914 ['Mailman/MTA/Manual.py:80']: %s was not found
- near line 3914 ['Mailman/MTA/Manual.py:80']: Too few %(listname)s
- near line 3919 ['Mailman/MTA/Manual.py:97']: Too few %(listname)s
- near line 3977 ['Mailman/MailList.py:812', 'Mailman/MailList.py:1176']: %s was not found
- near line 3977 ['Mailman/MailList.py:812', 'Mailman/MailList.py:1176']: Too few %(remote)s
- near line 3982 ['Mailman/MailList.py:846']: %s was not found
- near line 3982 ['Mailman/MailList.py:846']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 3987 ['Mailman/MailList.py:909', 'bin/add_members:242']: %s was not found
- near line 3987 ['Mailman/MailList.py:909', 'bin/add_members:242']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 3992 ['Mailman/MailList.py:928']: %s was not found
- near line 3997 ['Mailman/MailList.py:948']: %s was not found
- near line 3997 ['Mailman/MailList.py:948']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 4002 ['Mailman/MailList.py:1097']: %s was not found
- near line 4002 ['Mailman/MailList.py:1097']: Too few %(name)s
- near line 4025 ['Mailman/Queue/BounceRunner.py:189']: %s was not found
- near line 4073 ['Mailman/htmlformat.py:627']: %s was not found
- near line 4073 ['Mailman/htmlformat.py:627']: Too few %(version)s
- near line 4214 ['bin/add_members:137']: Too few %(member)s
- near line 4224 ['bin/add_members:142']: Too few %(member)s
- near line 4229 ['bin/add_members:144']: Too few %(member)s
- near line 4234 ['bin/add_members:146']: Too few %(member)s
- near line 4253 ['bin/add_members:210', 'bin/config_list:105', 'bin/find_member:97', 'bin/inject:90', 'bin/list_admins:89', 'bin/list_members:199', 'bin/sync_members:222', 'cron/bumpdigests:86']: %s was not found
- near line 4253 ['bin/add_members:210', 'bin/config_list:105', 'bin/find_member:97', 'bin/inject:90', 'bin/list_admins:89', 'bin/list_members:199', 'bin/sync_members:222', 'cron/bumpdigests:86']: %s was not found
- near line 4253 ['bin/add_members:210', 'bin/config_list:105', 'bin/find_member:97', 'bin/inject:90', 'bin/list_admins:89', 'bin/list_members:199', 'bin/sync_members:222', 'cron/bumpdigests:86']: Too few %(listname)s
- near line 4319 ['bin/arch:143', 'bin/change_pw:106', 'bin/config_list:242']: %s was not found
- near line 4319 ['bin/arch:143', 'bin/change_pw:106', 'bin/config_list:242']: %s was not found
- near line 4319 ['bin/arch:143', 'bin/change_pw:106', 'bin/config_list:242']: Too few %(e)s
- near line 4319 ['bin/arch:143', 'bin/change_pw:106', 'bin/config_list:242']: Too few %(listname)s
- near line 4703 ['bin/clone_member:94']: %s was not found
- near line 4708 ['bin/clone_member:101']: %s was not found
- near line 4738 ['bin/clone_member:196']: Too few %(toaddr)s
- near line 5123 ['bin/list_lists:105']: %s was not found
- near line 5128 ['bin/list_lists:109']: %s was not found
- near line 5522 ['bin/newlist:123']: %s was not found
- near line 5674 ['bin/remove_members:173']: %s was not found
- near line 5674 ['bin/remove_members:173']: %s was not found
- near line 5674 ['bin/remove_members:173']: Too few %(addr)s
- near line 5850 ['bin/sync_members:212']: Too few %(addr)30s
- near line 6175 ['bin/version:26']: %s was not found [root@list mailman]#
How can I correct them?
Thanks in advance.

I install mailman2.1 with default language. And I can send and receive mails. When fill some big5 or gb chars in the subject, I meet an error, language lookuperror. It seems that something header filter checks done, Can I bypass the header check?
Any advice I would be grateful.

You need a Chinese codecs to properly decode the headers. http://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-i18n/2003-May/000918.html may help.
jiands wrote:
-- Tokio Kikuchi, tkikuchi@ is.kochi-u.ac.jp http://weather.is.kochi-u.ac.jp/

Hi, list,
I try to run make in messages of mailman2.1.21 src directory for big5. It outcomes an error:
[root@list messages]# make /usr/bin/python ../build/bin/msgfmt.py -o big5/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.mo big5/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.po Traceback (most recent call last): File "../build/bin/msgfmt.py", line 203, in ? main() File "../build/bin/msgfmt.py", line 199, in main make(filename, outfile) File "../build/bin/msgfmt.py", line 151, in make l = eval(l) File "<string>", line 1 "?????" ^ SyntaxError: invalid token make: [big5/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.mo] Error 1 (ignored)
what is wrong ?
[root@list LC_MESSAGES]# msgfmt -v -o mailman.mo mailman.po 183 translated messages, 365 fuzzy translations, 699 untranslated messages.
[root@list mailman]# bin/transcheck big5 HTML checking templates/big5/admindbpreamble.html...
- Too few %(detailsurl)s
- Too few %(summaryurl)s
- Too few %(description)s HTML checking templates/big5/admlogin.html...
- Too few %(who)s HTML checking templates/big5/handle_opts.html...
- Can'open original file templates/en/handle_opts.html HTML checking templates/big5/headfoot.html...
- %(attribute)s was not found HTML checking templates/big5/listinfo.html... HTML checking templates/big5/options.html...
- <MM-Unsub-Pw-Box> was not found
- <MM-Other-Subscriptions-Pw-Box> was not found
- <MM-Old-Pw-Box> was not found
- <MM-Digest-Pw-Box> was not found
- <MM-Digest-Submit> was not found
- Too few <MM-Form-End>
- Too few <MM-List-Name>
- Too few <MM-options-Submit-button>
- Too few <MM-Form-Start> HTML checking templates/big5/roster.html... HTML checking templates/big5/subscribe.html... TXT checking templates/big5/adminsubscribeack.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/adminunsubscribeack.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/approve.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/bounce.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/checkdbs.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/convert.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/cronpass.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/help.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/masthead.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/newlist.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/postack.txt...
- Too few %(optionsurl)s TXT checking templates/big5/postauth.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/postheld.txt...
- Too few %(confirmurl)s TXT checking templates/big5/refuse.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/subauth.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/subscribeack.txt... TXT checking templates/big5/userpass.txt...
- %(adminaddr)s was not found
- Too few %(fqdn_lname)s
- Too few %(owneraddr)s TXT checking templates/big5/verify.txt...
- Too much %(cookie)s
- Too few %(confirmurl)s PO checking messages/big5/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.po...
- near line 169 ['Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:1214']: %s was not found
- near line 169 ['Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:1214']: Too few %(seq)s
- near line 194 ['Mailman/Archiver/pipermail.py:419']: %s was not found
- near line 194 ['Mailman/Archiver/pipermail.py:419']: Too few %(archive)s
- near line 229 ['Mailman/Bouncer.py:184']: %s was not found
- near line 263 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:70', 'Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:89', 'Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:55', 'Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:67', 'Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:51', 'Mailman/Cgi/options.py:71', 'Mailman/Cgi/private.py:98', 'Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:64', 'Mailman/Cgi/roster.py:57', 'Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:61']: %s was not found
- near line 263 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:70', 'Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:89', 'Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:55', 'Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:67', 'Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:51', 'Mailman/Cgi/options.py:71', 'Mailman/Cgi/private.py:98', 'Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:64', 'Mailman/Cgi/roster.py:57', 'Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:61']: Too few %(safelistname)s
- near line 273 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:85', 'Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:105', 'Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:85', 'Mailman/Cgi/private.py:123']: %(creatorurl)s was not found
- near line 305 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:332']: %s was not found
- near line 305 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:332']: %s was not found
- near line 305 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:332']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 305 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:332']: Too few %(varname)s
- near line 310 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:339']: %s was not found
- near line 310 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:339']: Too few %(varname)s
- near line 329 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:368']: %s was not found
- near line 329 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:368']: Too few %(categoryname)s
- near line 338 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:384']: %s was not found
- near line 338 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:384']: %s was not found
- near line 338 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:384']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 338 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:384']: Too few %(label)s
- near line 369 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:417']: %s was not found
- near line 369 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:417']: %s was not found
- near line 388 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:479']: %s was not found
- near line 423 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:604']: %s was not found
- near line 423 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:604']: Too few %(record)s
- near line 680 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1050']: %s was not found
- near line 680 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1050']: %s was not found
- near line 680 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1050']: Too few %(start)s
- near line 680 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1050']: Too few %(end)s
- near line 693 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1065', 'Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:177']: %(adminurl)s was not found
- near line 784 ['Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1357']: %(confirmurl)s was not found
- near line 902 ['Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:285']: %s was not found
- near line 902 ['Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:285']: %s was not found
- near line 902 ['Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:285']: Too few %(listname)s
- near line 937 ['Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:350']: %s was not found
- near line 1162 ['Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:739']: %s was not found
- near line 1225 ['Mailman/Cgi/create.py:68', 'Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:181']: %s was not found
- near line 1268 ['Mailman/Cgi/create.py:181', 'bin/newlist:166']: Too few %(s)s
- near line 1287 ['Mailman/Cgi/create.py:242']: %s was not found
- near line 1313 ['Mailman/Cgi/create.py:272']: %s was not found
- near line 1313 ['Mailman/Cgi/create.py:272']: Too few %(hostname)s
- near line 1400 ['Mailman/Cgi/create.py:401']: %s was not found
- near line 1429 ['Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:97']: %s was not found
- near line 1429 ['Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:97']: %s was not found
- near line 1429 ['Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:97']: Too few %(template_info)s
- near line 1429 ['Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:97']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 1438 ['Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:104']: %s was not found
- near line 1438 ['Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:104']: Too few %(safetemplatename)s
- near line 1443 ['Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:109', 'Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:110']: %s was not found
- near line 1443 ['Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:109', 'Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:110']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 1476 ['Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:73']: %s was not found
- near line 1476 ['Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:73']: Too few %(hostname)s
- near line 1483 ['Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:105']: Too few %(hostname)s
- near line 1483 ['Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:105']: Too few %(mailmanlink)s
- near line 1510 ['Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:118']: Too few %(adj)s
- near line 1549 ['Mailman/Cgi/options.py:110']: Too few %(safeuser)s
- near line 1555 ['Mailman/Cgi/options.py:117', 'Mailman/Cgi/options.py:166', 'Mailman/Cgi/options.py:188']: %s was not found
- near line 1555 ['Mailman/Cgi/options.py:117', 'Mailman/Cgi/options.py:166', 'Mailman/Cgi/options.py:188']: %s was not found
- near line 1555 ['Mailman/Cgi/options.py:117', 'Mailman/Cgi/options.py:166', 'Mailman/Cgi/options.py:188']: Too few %(safeuser)s
- near line 1570 ['Mailman/Cgi/options.py:211']: %(realname)s was not found
- near line 1570 ['Mailman/Cgi/options.py:211']: %(digmode)s was not found
- near line 1570 ['Mailman/Cgi/options.py:211']: %s was not found
- near line 1570 ['Mailman/Cgi/options.py:211']: %s was not found
- near line 1604 ['Mailman/Deliverer.py:86']: %s was not found
- near line 1604 ['Mailman/Deliverer.py:86']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 3008 ['Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:55']: %(admin)s was not found
- near line 3624 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:55']: %s was not found
- near line 3624 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:55']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 3633 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:59']: Too few %(hostname)s
- near line 3638 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:80']: %d was not found
- near line 3638 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:80']: %s was not found
- near line 3643 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:82']: %d was not found
- near line 3643 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:82']: %s was not found
- near line 3643 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:82']: Too few %(num_concealed)d
- near line 3667 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:148']: Too few %(reason)s
- near line 3706 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:178']: %s was not found
- near line 3706 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:178']: %s was not found
- near line 3706 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:178']: Too few %(addr)s
- near line 3706 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:178']: Too few %(type)s
- near line 3747 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:205']: %s was not found
- near line 3747 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:205']: Too few %(also)s
- near line 3754 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:208']: %s was not found
- near line 3754 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:208']: Too few %(also)s
- near line 3762 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:211']: %s was not found
- near line 3762 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:211']: %(realname)s was not found
- near line 3762 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:211']: %s was not found
- near line 3762 ['Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:211']: Too few %(also)s
- near line 3840 ['Mailman/Handlers/ToDigest.py:280']: %s was not found
- near line 3840 ['Mailman/Handlers/ToDigest.py:280']: Too few %(msgcount)d
- near line 3859 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:315']: %s was not found
- near line 3859 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:315']: Too few %(subject)s
- near line 3869 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:413']: %s was not found
- near line 3869 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:413']: %s was not found
- near line 3869 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:413']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 3869 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:413']: Too few %(addr)s
- near line 3878 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:466']: %s was not found
- near line 3878 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:466']: %s was not found
- near line 3878 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:466']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 3878 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:466']: Too few %(addr)s
- near line 3892 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:523']: %s was not found
- near line 3892 ['Mailman/ListAdmin.py:523']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 3914 ['Mailman/MTA/Manual.py:80']: %s was not found
- near line 3914 ['Mailman/MTA/Manual.py:80']: %s was not found
- near line 3914 ['Mailman/MTA/Manual.py:80']: Too few %(listname)s
- near line 3919 ['Mailman/MTA/Manual.py:97']: Too few %(listname)s
- near line 3977 ['Mailman/MailList.py:812', 'Mailman/MailList.py:1176']: %s was not found
- near line 3977 ['Mailman/MailList.py:812', 'Mailman/MailList.py:1176']: Too few %(remote)s
- near line 3982 ['Mailman/MailList.py:846']: %s was not found
- near line 3982 ['Mailman/MailList.py:846']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 3987 ['Mailman/MailList.py:909', 'bin/add_members:242']: %s was not found
- near line 3987 ['Mailman/MailList.py:909', 'bin/add_members:242']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 3992 ['Mailman/MailList.py:928']: %s was not found
- near line 3997 ['Mailman/MailList.py:948']: %s was not found
- near line 3997 ['Mailman/MailList.py:948']: Too few %(realname)s
- near line 4002 ['Mailman/MailList.py:1097']: %s was not found
- near line 4002 ['Mailman/MailList.py:1097']: Too few %(name)s
- near line 4025 ['Mailman/Queue/BounceRunner.py:189']: %s was not found
- near line 4073 ['Mailman/htmlformat.py:627']: %s was not found
- near line 4073 ['Mailman/htmlformat.py:627']: Too few %(version)s
- near line 4214 ['bin/add_members:137']: Too few %(member)s
- near line 4224 ['bin/add_members:142']: Too few %(member)s
- near line 4229 ['bin/add_members:144']: Too few %(member)s
- near line 4234 ['bin/add_members:146']: Too few %(member)s
- near line 4253 ['bin/add_members:210', 'bin/config_list:105', 'bin/find_member:97', 'bin/inject:90', 'bin/list_admins:89', 'bin/list_members:199', 'bin/sync_members:222', 'cron/bumpdigests:86']: %s was not found
- near line 4253 ['bin/add_members:210', 'bin/config_list:105', 'bin/find_member:97', 'bin/inject:90', 'bin/list_admins:89', 'bin/list_members:199', 'bin/sync_members:222', 'cron/bumpdigests:86']: %s was not found
- near line 4253 ['bin/add_members:210', 'bin/config_list:105', 'bin/find_member:97', 'bin/inject:90', 'bin/list_admins:89', 'bin/list_members:199', 'bin/sync_members:222', 'cron/bumpdigests:86']: Too few %(listname)s
- near line 4319 ['bin/arch:143', 'bin/change_pw:106', 'bin/config_list:242']: %s was not found
- near line 4319 ['bin/arch:143', 'bin/change_pw:106', 'bin/config_list:242']: %s was not found
- near line 4319 ['bin/arch:143', 'bin/change_pw:106', 'bin/config_list:242']: Too few %(e)s
- near line 4319 ['bin/arch:143', 'bin/change_pw:106', 'bin/config_list:242']: Too few %(listname)s
- near line 4703 ['bin/clone_member:94']: %s was not found
- near line 4708 ['bin/clone_member:101']: %s was not found
- near line 4738 ['bin/clone_member:196']: Too few %(toaddr)s
- near line 5123 ['bin/list_lists:105']: %s was not found
- near line 5128 ['bin/list_lists:109']: %s was not found
- near line 5522 ['bin/newlist:123']: %s was not found
- near line 5674 ['bin/remove_members:173']: %s was not found
- near line 5674 ['bin/remove_members:173']: %s was not found
- near line 5674 ['bin/remove_members:173']: Too few %(addr)s
- near line 5850 ['bin/sync_members:212']: Too few %(addr)30s
- near line 6175 ['bin/version:26']: %s was not found [root@list mailman]#
How can I correct them?
Thanks in advance.

I install mailman2.1 with default language. And I can send and receive mails. When fill some big5 or gb chars in the subject, I meet an error, language lookuperror. It seems that something header filter checks done, Can I bypass the header check?
Any advice I would be grateful.

You need a Chinese codecs to properly decode the headers. http://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-i18n/2003-May/000918.html may help.
jiands wrote:
-- Tokio Kikuchi, tkikuchi@ is.kochi-u.ac.jp http://weather.is.kochi-u.ac.jp/
participants (3)
Götz Reinicke
Tokio Kikuchi