All members treated as nonmembers redux

We had a list (MM 2.1.5 under sendmail) suddenly stop working, with logs showing that all incoming messages (from members and nonmembers alike) were being discarded. Configs had been set to discard without copying to the list admin, and it is a relatively low volume list, so it wasn't noticed for a while. During troubleshooting we re-enabled forward_auto_discards and the moderator approval page for each incoming post showed "post by nonmember to members-only list" *and* "poster is a member of ... list." Following up on an earlier answer to this sort of problem, we commented out the SENDER_HEADERS = ('from') line in and this fixed the problem. Question is, how did this break in the first place? And why did it apply to only one list? Other lists, and new lists created since then, work fine. There is mention of being able to modify member checking on a per-list basis but I was not able to find where to do this.
There was a server reboot (for other reasons) at about the same time this problem appeared.
During this debugging process we also upgraded from 2.1.5 to 2.1.6, could this have been a default of the 2.1.6 install, and the real problem was something else?
Thanks ...
David Josephson
participants (1)
David Josephson