basic domain munging question

Hi everyone. Every time that I think that I have this figured out experimentally it seems like I come up with an exception, so I just want to get this clear.
At our institution Joe Schmoe would have the address but he could also advertise the alias Due to inconsistencies in mail client configuration and the like, there is no way of knowing which of the addresses will appear in mail coming from Joe.
Which of the addresses should I use in mailman's subscriber list to give me the most robust handling of this situation? I have been dropping in the entire address, but then I get admin holds when it comes simply from If I use will it figure out that is also good (the user name will always be the same).
If asked, I would swear that I have tried it both ways and that neither have worked, but it may just be that I am imagining it and have actually tried the same thing twice. In any case, I would appreciate having a definitive answer and promise to incorporate it into the docs so that I will never forget.
Thanks in advance,
Christopher G. Kolar
Director, Department of Instructional Technology
Aurora University, Aurora, Illinois --
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Christopher Kolar