Re: [Mailman-Users] Integrating mailman with joomla/mambo

I finally saw this and would love to respond to the question. The component is indeed up and functioning on my site, and the code is available for anyone who wants to hack away. You can read all about it here:
(I also updated the MailMan FAQ Wizard entry about this idea.)
Scott Harris did this as a favor to me, so I really own the code now and Scott's off the project now that it's up and running. If there's anyone who would like to help further the work, especially in terms of making it more Joomla! friendly, then I'd love to have your help now that it's started.
At 10:55 AM -0700 4/23/07, David Southwell wrote:
What I put in the FAQ is still the last word I heard from Curtis, and my understanding is that he helped fund an important step forward in the area of integrating Joomla! and Mailman. I have not heard of any new information on this front.
If you have more recent information in this area, or know of someone who does, please feel free to update the FAQ and let us know.
If you've got better contact with Curtis than I do, and you can drag out of him more detail than I've been able to get so far, then please do go ahead and update the FAQ entry.
The implication of the
My understanding is that this is still a pretty raw area. Mailman itself does not provide any hooks to assist with this process, so there's a limit to how much we can help. If there are any tools out there to help integrate CMSes with Mailman, the unfortunate fact is that the authors of those tools have not coordinated well with the Mailman project, and they have not let us know about the work they've done.
We've done the best we can based on what anecdotal information we can gather, but that's always going to be a hit-or-miss proposition. If the authors of the tools don't coordinate with us, there's not much we can do about that.
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That would certainly be a good step forward, yes. However, it is a community-supported document, and if the community does not choose to put the effort into doing the work necessary to keep it up-to-date and filled with as much useful information as possible, then we will all suffer.
I've certainly done as much as I can to contribute to the FAQ Wizard, both in terms of generating content itself as well as providing editorial assistance to try to make things as easy to understand as I can. But I'm only one person. We need more people to do the same kind of thing, or the FAQ will die -- probably a slow death, but perhaps much faster than would otherwise be expected.
Yeah, well -- you get what you pay for.
Pay tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, and maybe you can get a good professional author to spend their entire life to make the FAQ a world-class document, the equal to which cannot be found anywhere else in the world.
Otherwise, this is the kind of thing you can expect to get.
-- Brad Knowles <brad at <> >, Consultant & Author LinkedIn Profile: < <>> Slides from Invited Talks: <>
participants (1)
W. Curtis Preston