Re: [Mailman-Users] Looking for a Mailman contractor

Micah Alpern wrote:
I am not sure of the technical details of what you want, but I am getting ready to implement some Mailman lists where the list is maintained externally. I know the schedule when the list file is updated in a shared file system (in my case AFS), so I have written a cron script that
1) compares the AFS file with the last one downloaded from AFS.
2) If there are changes, then
a) Download the updated file from AFS
b) remove_members --all --nouserack --noadminack $destfile
add_members -w n -r $localfile $destfile
Step 2b) can be replaced with "sync_members ..."
Different files are updated once a day in AFS, and I know the when each list will be updated. So for each list, my cron will run a few minutes after the updated file is stored in AFS.
If you know the schedule when the web-based file will change, then you can implement something like this. You could even run such a cron every five minutes, if you do not know when the list might be updated. I have other lists that are built on-the-fly at any time, and the list administrator wants to use them as soon as they are created in AFS. For these, an every-five-minute cron is not good, as I cannot prevent the list being used before it is updated. I currently have no solution for getting these lists from AFS to the local Mailman machine, as I do not know when any list will be updated. And I have not figured out how to have the list creator (a live person or a script) send some sort of signal to a root process on the Mailman machine to download the updated list file from AFS.
Note that I have tested the script on my test Mailman machine, but I have not yet converted any of these lists from Majordomo to Mailman.
Barry S. Finkel Computing and Information Systems Division Argonne National Laboratory Phone: +1 (630) 252-7277 9700 South Cass Avenue Facsimile:+1 (630) 252-4601 Building 222, Room D209 Internet: Argonne, IL 60439-4828 IBMMAIL: I1004994

On 3/28/07, Barry Finkel <> wrote:
Maybe I missed something, but it seems like the best solution for your later case would be to use MySQL storage of membership, and have your web application write to said MySQL database?
- Patrick Bogen
- Patrick Bogen

On 3/28/07, Barry Finkel <> wrote:
Maybe I missed something, but it seems like the best solution for your later case would be to use MySQL storage of membership, and have your web application write to said MySQL database?
- Patrick Bogen
- Patrick Bogen
participants (2)
Barry Finkel
Patrick Bogen