Links for AOHell users?

Hi all,
I was asked by a customer today about the footer links on one of their lists and whether the links could be made to work with AOL's MUA (if it can be called an MUA). Any halfway decent MUA (and even MS OE) will allow a user to click on a link and open it in a browser, yet AOL doesn't work like this (at least not the versions that some of this customer's list members use).
I already have personalization turned on for the list so I was wondering what it would take to check if user_address was an aol address and then change the link to add the <a href> required by AOL's brain dead MUA. I'd rather do this than change the links for everyone since there are (thankfully) relatively few AOL users.
Has anyone else had to deal with this before (or better still, coded it :) ? If so, any pointers?
I realize that what they should be told is, sorry, that's what you get for using an ISP that is 'so easy to use' (and the BOFH in me so badly wants to tell them!) but that's not always what customers want to hear. So I figure I'll ask quick before I either attempt to do this myself or tell my customer to tell the AOL users to deal with the effects of their bad choice in ISP's.
Todd OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xD654075A | URL:
Sometimes the majority only means that all the fools are on the same side. -- Michael W. Smith
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