How do I send an email to all list admins?

How do I send an email to all list admins?
I need to inform all list admins about a change concerning the "advertised" option (basically I want them to opt-in)
I could use "bin/list_lists" and process the output by adding "-owner@domain" and make a list out of it -- but is there an easier way?
Ralf Hildebrandt Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin Geschäftsbereich IT | Abteilung Netzwerk
Campus Benjamin Franklin (CBF) Haus I | 1. OG | Raum 105 Hindenburgdamm 30 | D-12203 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 450 570 155

Ralf Hildebrandt writes:
How do I send an email to all list admins?
AFAIK, one by one, or you could make a mailing list for them. I guess you could save them one message by putting your announcement in the welcome message.
I think the original idea of the list was to put the admins there. You'd have to do it by hand, and pretty much nobody seems to do that. I don't recall anybody asking for this before, although I'm pretty sure it occasionally comes up.
In Mailman 3 we could make a feature of this, but Mailman 2 is EOL, so it won't happen there. I'm not sure this is worth it since you'd need to configure all the options anyway (I'm not sure there are obvious defaults for a lot of them), so getting the list of lists is the least time-consuming part of the task.
In Mailman 3, perhaps we could make it easier to get the list of lists (or maybe the site admin can already get it in the top listinfo page).

- Stephen J. Turnbull <>:
Ralf Hildebrandt writes:
How do I send an email to all list admins?
AFAIK, one by one, or you could make a mailing list for them.
That's what I did.
I guess you could save them one message by putting your announcement in the welcome message.
I never send those :)
I think the original idea of the list was to put the admins there.
You'd have to do it by hand, and pretty much nobody seems to do that.
Same here.
Ralf Hildebrandt Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin Geschäftsbereich IT | Abteilung Netzwerk
Campus Benjamin Franklin (CBF) Haus I | 1. OG | Raum 105 Hindenburgdamm 30 | D-12203 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 450 570 155

On Apr 26, 2022, at 3:01 AM, Ralf Hildebrandt <<>> wrote:
- Stephen J. Turnbull <<>>: Ralf Hildebrandt writes:
How do I send an email to all list admins?
AFAIK, one by one, or you could make a mailing list for them.
IF you have access to the command-line of the server, this might help
I have a script I wrote (or rather I’m pretty sure I have one of Mark’s scripts that I modified :-) that gets the name and address of every list on our system and exports a tab-delimited file with the admin and moderator emails as separate lists . Something similar could be used to just get all the admins out into a flat file, then use
./sync_members -w=no -g=no -d=no -a=no -f admins_file admins_list
to routinely generate the list and resynch it via cron, so you don’t have to worry about manually keeping it up to date.
#!/usr/bin/env python ''' List info for internal links page '''
import os import time DEBUG = 0 #print "List,Description,Owner(s),Moderator(s)" def list_lister(mlist): last = time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y',time.localtime(mlist.last_post_time)) owner = '' out = open('./listoflists', 'a') try: if len(mlist.owner)>1: owner = ';'.join(mlist.owner) else: owner = mlist.owner[0] except IndexError: owner = 'none' moderator='' try: if len(mlist.moderator)>1: moderator = ';'.join(mlist.moderator) else: moderator = mlist.moderator[0] except IndexError: moderator = 'none' out.write( mlist.real_name + "\t" + mlist.description + "\t" + owner + "\t" + moderator + "\t" + last + "\n") out.close() print "processed %s" % (mlist.real_name) return
(I use this script to provide the data for an easy-to-use web tool for our admins and moderators to access to do the parts they manage. Many of our lists membership management is done entirely outside of Mailman, leveraging our student data, campus LDAP, our own Active directory to manage ~60 lists that keeps up with people coming, going, changing departments, email addresses etc. )
Bruce Johnson University of Arizona College of Pharmacy Information Technology Group
Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs

Bruce Johnson via Mailman-Users writes:
Ralf Hildebrandt writes:
How do I send an email to all list admins?
I have a script I wrote (or rather I’m pretty sure I have one of Mark’s scripts that I modified :-) that gets the name and address of every list on our system and exports a tab-delimited file with the admin and moderator emails as separate lists .
Interesting ... so this *is* a common need, I guess I haven't heard about it either due to inattention <img src=googlyeyes.gif/> or perhaps it's just that people with a site of such scale have the chops to go straight to bin/withlist.
I'm still not sure this is needed/a good idea, but I created a wishlist issue for it. Comments welcome, especially on the default configuration details for these lists. Eg should list admins be allowed to post, how about moderators? or should it be pure announce for the site admin? I think it should be archived, any problems with that? How are these related to the mailman@site list?
participants (4)
Bruce Johnson
Mark Sapiro
Ralf Hildebrandt
Stephen J. Turnbull